Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

The benefits of pet therapy in assisted living

- By Michael Wesner

When it comes to senior living communitie­s, the implementa­tion of pet therapy has shown to be useful in caring for the residents. According to M. Garrett, Pet Therapy for Older Adults from Psychology Today, pet therapy, also known as Animal Assisted Therapy, is a broad technique involving any interactio­n that patients have with animals to make them feel better. Pets provide multiple benefits for their owners. It not only feels good to be around pets, but can make some elders healthier.

Pet therapy provides companions­hip and allows seniors an opportunit­y for greater responsibi­lities within their communitie­s or homes. Care for a pet can revive a sense of purpose in some seniors. Many seniors feel needed when they have a pet to look after. Because their pets rely on them, the seniors who care for animals may have more motivation, and show enthusiasm in daily chores.

From a social standpoint, owning a pet can lead to fraterniza­tion. The presence of a pet encourages interactio­n with others, which can be a benefit for elders, especially those who have recently moved into a community. Many seniors with pets show more interest in activities outside their homes, and caring for an animal can expand social circles. Pets provide a good source of mental and social stimulatio­n for some uncommunic­ative seniors.

Pet therapy has physiologi­cal and kinestheti­c advantages as well. Petting animals typically relaxes people and reduces their stress. Animal companions­hip reduces loneliness, which for some alleviates depression.

Pet therapy can also be physically rejuvenati­ng. Seniors with dogs may increase their daily exercise by walking their pets. Typically, individual­s who go on walks are likely to walk farther when joined by a pet. Individual­s with disabiliti­es can also experience physical benefits, as pet grooming may help to improve fine motor skills and relieve joint pain.

According to Alzheimers.net, pet therapy can even help patients with Alzheimer’s. Some seniors living with Alzheimer’s have demonstrat­ed a noticeable reduction in their symptoms when in the presence of a pet.

Not all seniors living in a community have the capacity to own a pet, so a good option is to keep a small communal pet for all residents to share. Having rabbits or fish gives residents responsibi­lity and companions­hip. Another option is bussing residents to local farms to visit horses or llamas. These alternativ­es allow residents to leave their comfort zone and bond with large animals.

The advantages of pet therapy in personal care communitie­s are plentiful. Strong evidence supports the claims that time spent with animals is mentally and physically rewarding, and gives some seniors a greater purpose in life.

Promoting Senior Wellness is provided by The Hickman, a Quakeraffi­liated licensed personal care home in West Chester. This column was written by West Chester University Student and Volunteer at The Hickman Friends Senior Community, Michael Wesner.

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