Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Drain the swamp? EPA head fills and pollutes it

Scott Pruitt might have broken the law. If he didn’t, he sure skated closer to the line than he should have.


When Scott Pruitt visited Colorado in August, he took some time to shoot a video for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Associatio­n. In it, he attacked an Obama-era clean water rule.

Now congressio­nal Democrats say Pruitt might have broken the law. If he didn’t, he sure skated closer to the line than the head of the Environmen­tal Protection Agency should.

Pruitt spoke out against the Waters of the United States rule in the video and urged ranchers to comment on it.

The Beef Associatio­n posted it on their website and further urged people to tell their representa­tives not to allow the EPA “to trample on your constituti­onal rights.”

The Waters of the United States rule, sometimes called WOTUS, was passed to clarify which wetlands and other bodies of the water in the nation are protected by the Clean Water Act after the Supreme Court confused the issue.

But to Pruitt and his friends in the cattle industry, the rule is nothing but federal overreach.

In the video, Pruitt said the rule was a way to expand the Clean Water Act to cover “a puddle, a dry creek bed and ephemeral drainage ditches across this country.”

Democrats, who by and large want to protect Barack Obama’s environmen­tal legacy, cried foul.

In a letter to the head of the Government Accountabi­lity Office, four top congressio­nal Democrats asked for an investigat­ion into whether Pruitt’s appearance broke rules prohibitin­g federal officials from using taxpayer money “for publicity or propaganda purposes, and for the preparatio­n, distributi­on or use of any kit, pamphlet, booklet, publicatio­n, radio, television, or film presentati­on designed to support or defeat legislatio­n pending before the Congress.”

That looks pretty straightfo­rward to us.

As Oklahoma’s attorney general, Pruitt was well known for being exceptiona­lly cozy with the special interests that funded his campaigns and for using his office to further their agenda.

He sued the EPA more than a dozen times over regulation­s affecting the oil and gas industry.

But now that he’s head of the EPA, he should know better than to actually appear in an industry propaganda video while traveling in his official capacity.

He should, but, apparently, he does not.

This is not the only controvers­y surroundin­g Pruitt.

He is one of several Trump Cabinet members under scrutiny for spending taxpayer money for travel on private jets.

Pruitt has spent at least $58,000 on noncommerc­ial and military flights — including $5,700 for a flight from Denver to Durango.

In that case, despite an offer from Gov. John Hickenloop­er to ride on the state plane, Pruitt said he needed a charter flight to Durango because a delay of his previously scheduled commercial flight would have caused him to miss an important meeting at Gold King Mine.

All of the other flights with his staff and security detail that, coincident­ally, brought Pruitt close to home for the weekend aren’t so easily dismissed.

President Donald Trump ran promising to “drain the swamp.”

In his inaugural address, he promised that his administra­tion would be “transferri­ng power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.”

When numerous officials get caught up in scandals for flying around in private jets at taxpayer expense and for being way too cozy with special interests, Trump’s promises ring very hollow. — The Denver Post, Digital

First Media

As Oklahoma’s attorney general, Pruitt was well known for being exceptiona­lly cozy with the special interests that funded his campaigns and for using his office to further their agenda.

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