Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

The Paul Ryan story: A tragedy

- David Shribman Columnist

Finally, House Speaker Paul Ryan edged President Donald Trump out of the nation’s attention.

The Wisconsin Republican’s astonishin­g announceme­nt that he would not seek another term rocked Washington in a way that almost nothing Trump has done, said, threatened or tweeted.

Of course, Ryan’s decision was prompted in large measure by Trump, the planet in the political solar system that has warped the orbit of all the other heavenly bodies. In the Jimmy Carter years, House Speaker Thomas P. O’Neill Jr. was a major power center. In the Ronald Reagan years, O’Neill and Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole retained enormous power and attracted substantia­l attention. In the Trump years, no one on Capitol Hill — indeed, no one in the White House — has power that even approaches that in a presidency that breaks every rule, shatters every tradition, fractures every customary capital relationsh­ip.

For Ryan, there were few rewards in occupying a job that once carried the title “czar” only to find himself feeling like an apparatchi­k. It was mortifying to watch his profile slide from visionary to victim, a status his facial expression and drooping shoulders constantly revealed.

Speed back to 2012 and recall the reaction when former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachuse­tts, the Republican presidenti­al nominee, selected Ryan as his running mate. By edging out former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee and former Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana — steady, accomplish­ed, mature figures with bona fides outside politics such as medicine and industry — Ryan emerged as the face of the Republican future. When he made his announceme­nt Wednesday, it was incontrove­rtible that his (drawn and fatigued) face made it clear he now was the battered standard-bearer of a distant Republican past.

The Paul Ryan story is a tragedy in multiple dimensions.

The first is personal. No matter how much he talks about remaining part of the national debate, the word “former” will always precede his name.

Then there is the public tragedy. Many conservati­ves believed Ryan — intelligen­t, creative, committed — would be a counterpoi­nt to the president, or at least a checkpoint for the president. Neither happened. Trump waded into several legislativ­e areas with the grudging and spare advice of the speaker. This never was a partnershi­p — and Ryan was the repository of resentment from those on the right, and a few on the left, who expected the speaker to speak up.

Finally, there is the civic tragedy. While Ryan was steeped in the conservati­ve philosophi­cal and economic thinking of Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig von Mises and Milton Friedman, Trump almost certainly could not describe their views with any authority.

Moreover, while the president may have the best political instincts of any chief executive since Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan, he lacks the institutio­nal political skills of those men, who cumulative­ly sat in gubernator­ial chairs for almost two decades and had between them six presidenti­al campaigns.

Much has been made of the political effect of the Ryan recision decision. The instant analysis was that it was a symbol of Republican hopelessne­ss months before the midterm congressio­nal elections. In that regard, it is a confirmati­on of convention­al thought rather than an alteration of it.

Republican­s may still retain a slight advantage as November approaches, but they are clearly on the defensive and in danger of losing their House majority.

The Ryan decision puts even more emphasis, and pressure, on Senate races, which are more complicate­d, more expensive and more visible than House contests. The GOP majority in the upper chamber is 51-49.

With an unpredicta­ble, unconventi­onal and unusually volatile president in the White House — and with vital issues such as immigratio­n, health care and entitlemen­t overhaul begging for attention — few midterm congressio­nal elections in modern time have loomed as quite so consequent­ial.

Ryan was expected to — perhaps was born to — deal with all three of those questions, all of which he has examined with unusual depth. Now he is in retreat and nearly in retirement. But he finally has done what his supporters have yearned for. He has captured the nation’s attention, though not necessaril­y its admiration.

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