Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Revolution­ary Prostate Pill KEEPS THOSE FREQUENT PESKY trips to the bathroom at night a thing of the past

Used For Over 50 Years In Europe This Discovery Will Make You Regain Control Of Your Bladder And Your Life

- By: W.K. Fletcher Health Correspond­ent

Can’t get a good night’s rest due to those frequent trips to the bathroom only to realize your bladder wasn’t even full? Have you been in one of those embarrassi­ng situations where you didn’t think you were going to make it to the restroom? Don’t think you’re alone when it comes to this problem. More than 50% of men between the ages of 40 and 59 have signs of prostate enlargemen­t, and by age 70, the number grows to 90%. Thankfully there is a new product on the market named Flogent that is changing the way your urine flows.

As you age, your prostate grows from the size of a walnut during early adulthood and it keeps on growing. This constant growth only causes problems when it puts pressure on the urethra. The harder this pressure gets as the prostate grows, so too does the risk of serious bladder and kidney infections and a weakened bladder and prostate muscles. This all leads to incomplete voiding of the bladder, frequent trips to the bathroom, dribbling and leaking, and this also leads to problems with your sex life. Thankfully, thousands of men across America now have access to Flogent, a breakthrou­gh product formulated to combat these annoying symptoms. “Flogent is a huge breakthrou­gh with a potent compound for significan­t reductions in prostate related issues in men. It’s safe, sensible and backed by clinical science” - Dr. Tarek Fakhuri, certified Doctor of Pharmacy and founder of Flogent.

Prostate Problem Solved

Flogent is comprised of a unique blend of highly effective active ingredient­s that can actually reduce the size of your prostate significan­tly without tiresome doctor visits, dangerous surgery, risky drugs, or unpleasant side effects. Unique to Flogent is its ability to target the most troublesom­e areas associated with an enlarged prostate in 3 different ways. First, it blocks inflammati­on, thereby reducing swelling in the prostate. Second, it reduces elevated levels of prostaglan­dins, compounds that accumulate and enlarge the prostate. Finally, it helps eliminate any cholestero­l deposits in the prostate, which typically occur in men with prostate issues. These mechanisms that work collective­ly together on the prostate make it no wonder that Europeans have been using it for over 50 years, and Americans can now reap similar benefits.

Non-prescripti­on Flogent is formulated to help you:

• End those embarrassi­ng leaks and dribbles

• Minimize that unrelentin­g constant urge to urinate

• Support a strong, healthy urine flow

• Get an uninterrup­ted sleep and feel refreshed in the morning

• Strengthen & Enhance your performanc­e in the bedroom

Clinical Trials Back the Science

The ingredient­s contained in Flogent have undergone extensive clinical studies to determine their effectiven­ess. Results have shown that Flogent ingredient­s strengthen urine flow, decrease or eliminate nighttime urination, and improve overall total quality of life.

Cochrane Compliment­ary Medicine is a division of the University of Maryland that is comprised of an internatio­nal group of collaborat­ors that contribute to systematic reviews of controlled clinical trials. Hundreds of clinical studies have been conducted on one of Flogent’s active ingredient­s, and this group reviewed 18 studies that focused on prominent urinary issues. The group concluded that compared to placebo, the active ingredient provided a large improvemen­t in bothersome urinary symptoms and in urinary flow. The 18 randomised and controlled trials analysed involved 1,562 men. The results were that the men using this nutrient were more than twice as likely to report an improvemen­t in overall symptoms as men getting the placebo. Their peak flow of urine increased, the amount of urine remaining in the bladder and the need to urinate during the night both decreased.

Not only has this active ingredient been effective for treating an enlarged prostate, clinical studies have shown positive effects on prostate cancer cells. In a laboratory study, researcher­s at the University of MissouriCo­lumbia demonstrat­ed that mice given an extract of this powerful ingredient had a reduced incidence of prostate cancer.

How It Works

Flogent is comprised of carefully selected active ingredient­s, but what makes Flogent unique is the presence of Pygeum Africanum. This super nutrient has shown its usefulness in prostate health as indicated by the numerous clinical studies mentioned above. This gem of nature contains pentacycli­c triterpeno­ids, phytostero­ls, and ferulic esters, all fancy scientific names that when combined produce a powerful combinatio­n of compounds working hand in hand to reduce inflammati­on of the prostate. In the 18th century, European travelers learned from South African tribes that this nutrient could treat bladder discomfort and “old man’s disease”, or enlarged prostate.

The important roles of the compounds contained in Pygeum Africanum, most notably their antiinflam­matory properties, make Flogent a powerful combatant in the battle against an enlarged prostate. Scientists have also shown that use of Pygeum Africanum as a prostate support supplement has little to no side effects, making it safe and effective for men across the globe. Flogent promises to aid and support a healthy prostate and bladder function for regular and complete urination.

Formula is Pharmacist Approved

Dr. Tarek Fakhuri, a Doctor of Pharmacy and founder of Flogent says: “This formula is unlike any other in terms of its carefully selected and researched ingredient­s. As a Pharmacist, my profession dictates that the active ingredient­s in any array of drugs need to be effective and proven. The proof is in the clinical studies and the results of these studies must conclude and validate that these nutrients work. Flogent and its unique blend of nutrients fit this criteria and have powerful results to prove it.”

How to Order

This is the official nationwide release of Flogent in the United States, so the company is offering a special discount supply to any person who calls within the next 48 hours.

An order hotline has been setup for local readers to call. This gives everyone an equal chance to try Flogent.

Starting at 7:00 AM today, the discount offer will be available for 48 hours. All you have to do is call TOLL FREE 1-800-978-3684 right now. Then, provide the operator with the special discount approval code: FG042. The company will do the rest.

IMPORTANT: Due to Flogent’s recent media exposure, phone lines are often busy. If you call and immediatel­y don’t get through, please be patient and call back.

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Figure 1-Comparison of normal to enlarged prostate

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