Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Is heaven a fact, or fantasy

- Ask the Chaplain is written by Rev. Dayna Spence, an ordained minister, licensed evangelist, and chaplain who’s served as a hospital chaplain and is currently serving as a hospice chaplain Chester County area. Please email “Ask the Chaplain” at 4thechapla

Dear Chaplain: I’m Catholic and I’ve been Catholic all of my life. When I was in my late 50’s I quit going to Mass and supporting the church because I really didn’t believe in it anymore. Now I’m in my 70’s and I keep wondering if heaven really even exists. Is there any real proof that there is a heaven? — Signed, Is Heaven Real Dear Is Heaven Real: Thank you for your thought provoking question. It seems that you’re disconnect­ed from your church, but you didn’t mention if you’re disconnect­ed from your faith, as well. If you still believe in God and the Bible, you might find proof in John, chapter 17. There, Jesus speaks about being in heaven with God before the creation of the world. You might also find proof in Acts, chapter 1, which is a detailed account of Jesus being taken up to heaven in the presence of his eleven disciples, 40 days after his resurrecti­on. Additional­ly, there are countless stories, interviews, books and movies about people from different religious background­s who’ve had near death experience­s and believe they’ve gone to heaven.

Personally, I look to nature and the story of creation in Genesis, as real proof. The creation story says God created the sky and filled it with the sun, moon, and stars. It says he created the earth and filled it with trees, vegetation, and animals. Then God created the first man and woman and put them on earth to enjoy all that he created. Now, if God prepared the earth before we came, with all that we needed to survive and flourish, it’s not a far stretch to believe that God will also prepare a heavenly home for us, before we get there, with all we need to survive and flourish as well.

Uncertaint­y about life after death can make us feel insecure and fearful, however; exercising faith and hope can help us feel more secure and at peace about what will happen when we pass.

 ?? Dayna Spence ??
Dayna Spence

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