Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Litter law punishment fits crime

- — Erie Times, The Associated Press

There certainly is some fitting justice in the intent and method of Pennsylvan­ia’s new anti-littering law.

We don’t know how effectivel­y Pennsylvan­ia’s new anti-littering law can be enforced.

But there certainly is some fitting justice in its intent and method.

We’ve never understood the thought process of people who, upon finishing a meal of fast food, simply throw the wrappers out the car window.

Or the smoker who flicks a still-smoldering butt onto a street or sidewalk.

And yet the sight of their slovenly selfishnes­s is commonplac­e. The cumulative effect too often leaves Pa. looking, well, trashy.

Sometimes the effect is especially depressing, like when you come across a pile of garbage discarded on a beach at a state park.

Or that point in a big snowmelt that reveals just how much trash had been dumped under winter’s cover.

A newly approved state law, passed with broad bipartisan support, aims to crack down on the slobs among us and punish them in appropriat­e fashion.

The law will take effect late this year or early in 2019.

It increases fines for littering.

Repeat offenders could be relieved of up to $1,000.

But even better is that the fines will be accompanie­d by a requiremen­t that the litterbugs perform community service in the form of picking up trash.

A first offender could be required to pick up litter or illegally dumped trash for five to 30 hours over a sixmonth period.

Repeat offenders can be sentenced to clean up for up to 100 hours over the course of a year.

“When you look at all of the trash along our roads, it’s clear that fines alone are not enough to deter this crime,” said Sen. Mario Scavello, a Monroe County Republican who was the law’s prime sponsor.

Littering is like graffiti and other acts of vandalism.

When people engage in it without fear of punishment, it sends the message that no one cares and leads to more litter.

Again, we don’t know how effectivel­y the law can be enforced.

It might be like laws prohibitin­g cellphone use by drivers in that way.

But we sure won’t feel a bit sorry for anyone nabbed, fined and made to pick up after other people.

Perhaps some element of public shaming can be added to the punitive chores.

A scarlet “L’’ perhaps?

All you need is clear vision to see how widespread the problem is.

In addition to making our cities and regions look unkempt, litter is harmful to the environmen­t and can endanger wildlife.

But even if you don’t believe your eyes, consider this: Volunteers at the annual Lake Erie Internatio­nal Coastal Cleanup pick up 4,000 to 6,000 pounds of trash each year.

If you’re part of that problem, stop it.

Have some pride.

Under the state’s new anti-littering law, a first offender could be required to pick up litter or illegally dumped trash for five to 30 hours over a six-month period. Repeat offenders can be sentenced to clean up for up to 100 hours over the course of a year.

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