Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

FBI agent clashes with GOP at hearing on Russia probe

- By Eric Tucker and Mary Clare Jalonick

WASHINGTON » An embattled FBI agent whose anti-Trump text messages exposed the Justice Department to claims of institutio­nal bias vigorously defended himself Thursday at an extraordin­ary congressio­nal hearing that devolved into shouting matches, finger-pointing and veiled references to personal transgress­ions.

Peter Strzok testified publicly for the first time since being removed from special counsel Robert Mueller’s team following the discovery of texts last year that were traded with an FBI lawyer in the runup to the 2016 presidenti­al election.

In a chaotic hearing that spanned 10 hours, he insisted he never allowed personal opinions to affect his work, though he did acknowledg­e being dismayed by Donald Trump’s behavior during the campaign. He also said he had never contemplat­ed leaking damaging informatio­n he knew about the Trump campaign and called the hearing “just another victory notch in Putin’s belt.”

“At no time, in any of those texts, did those personal beliefs ever enter into the realm of any action I took,” Strzok told lawmakers.

In breaking his silence, Strzok came face-to-face with Republican­s who argued that the texts had tainted two hugely consequent­ial FBI probes he had helped steer: inquiries into Hillary Clinton’s email use and possible coordinati­on between the Trump campaign and Russia.

“Agent Strzok had Hillary Clinton winning the White House before he finished investigat­ing her,” said Rep. Trey Gowdy, Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. “Agent Strzok had Donald Trump impeached before he even started investigat­ing him. That is bias.”

Republican Rep. Darrell Issa made Strzok read some of his texts aloud, including some with profane language. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte asked colleagues to imagine being investigat­ed by someone who “hated you” and “disparaged you in all manner of ways.”

“Would anyone sitting here today believe that this was an acceptable state of affairs, particular­ly at an agency whose motto is ‘Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity’? I think not,” Goodlatte said.

Strzok repeatedly insisted the texts, including ones in which he called Trump a “disaster” and said “We’ll stop” a Trump candidacy, did not reflect political bias and had not infected his work.

He said the Trump investigat­ion originated not out of personal animus but rather from concern that Russia was meddling in the election, including what he said were allegation­s of “extraordin­ary significan­ce” of a Russian offer of assistance to a Trump campaign member.

He made clear his exasperati­on at being the focus of a hearing when Russian election interferen­ce had successful­ly sowed discord in America.

“I have the utmost respect for Congress’ oversight role, but I truly believe that today’s hearing is just another victory notch in Putin’s belt and another milestone in our enemies’ campaign to tear America apart,” Strzok said.

The hearing brought to the surface a little-discussed reality of public service: Law enforcemen­t agents and other government workers are permitted to espouse political views but are expected to keep them separate from their work. Strzok said he was not alone in holding political opinions, noting that colleagues in 2016 supported both Clinton and Trump but did not reflect those views on the job.

“What I am telling you is I and the other men and women of the FBI, every day take our personal beliefs, and set those aside in vigorous pursuit of the truth — wherever it lies, whatever it is.”

To which Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, responded, “And I don’t believe you.”

Strzok said under aggressive questionin­g that a much-discussed August 2016 text in which he vowed “we’ll stop” a Trump candidacy followed Trump’s denigratio­n of the family of a dead U.S. service member. He said the late-night, offthe-cuff text reflected his belief that Americans would not stomach such “horrible, disgusting behavior” by the presidenti­al candidate.

But, he added in a raised voice and emphatic tone: “It was in no way — unequivoca­lly — any suggestion that me, the FBI, would take any action whatsoever to improperly impact the electoral process for any candidate. So, I take great offense, and I take great disagreeme­nt to your assertion of what that was or wasn’t.”

Plus, he said, both the Clinton and Russia investigat­ions were handled by large teams that “would not tolerate any improper behavior in me anymore than I would tolerate it in them.”

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