Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Mueller probe is nation’s best hope against Trump


As the dust settles from the wreckage from the President’s European trip to Brussels, the UK and Helsinki, people who really love our country really have a dilemma: Is it finally the right time to call for Trump’s impeachmen­t?

It is a struggle that all Americans who truly believe in the Constituti­on, the Bill of Rights, and that our President fulfill the role of the leader of the Free World have been experienci­ng for a long time now.

The appointmen­t of Robert Mueller to run the investigat­ion into Russian collusion has been the security blanket that many have wrapped themselves with.

As so many lies, egregious negative statements and actions continue to come from the White House, we have such confidence that this capable and honest servant of the American People will get to the bottom of any Trump wrong doing, that we don’t actively need to march in the streets with our pitch forks and torches demanding impeachmen­t. And yet...

When Trump tramples the First Amendment and the integrity of the Free Press by calling many ‘the enemy of the people’, we shivered, and covered ourselves with our Mueller blanket.

When Trump defended white nationalis­ts in Charlottes­ville with statements about ‘really good people on both sides’, we clung tighter to our blanket.

When Trump walked away from the Iran nuclear deal, opening the door to Iran starting up it’s nuclear program again, we hugged our blankets! When Trump pushed his zero tolerance policy on the ‘brown people infesting America from the southern border’, and ripped children from their parents’ arms, many shouted and rallied against it, until Trump backed down, permitting children to be reunited, and then jailed with their parents. But even then, few called for his impeachmen­t.

On the world stage, President Trump is a mindless wrecking ball, wreaking havoc with his allies, and cooing with his adversarie­s.

His comments about Theresa May not listening to his advice on Brexit, and that her hard line foreign minister, Boris Johnson, would be a ‘very good Prime Minister’ before his meeting with her are typical of the careless way he treats the leaders of our most important Allied countries.

He has imposed backward and counter productive tariffs on our most friendly trading partners, including Canada and Mexico. His constant yammering about ‘NATO members paying their fair share’ implying the US would not come to the aid of a country who did not hit the 2% spending goal threatens to tear down the establishe­d world order that Harry Truman and all successive Presidents confirmed with their strong support of NATO.

The meeting with Putin in Helsinki is the latest affront to the carefully built world order of Republican and Democratic Presidents alike. Russian President Putin, who comes from a KGB background, has actively meddled in the elections of many countries in Europe for years.

It has been proven beyond a doubt that he has directed a cyber attack on our country, successful­ly meddling in the 2016 election. He has ordered the death of ‘enemies of the Russian state’ in and outside his country, jailing and killing reporters critical of him, and successful­ly killing others overseas, including in England.

Yet, Putin is the one world leader that Trump has never said anything negative about.

Going into the Helsinki meeting, any other normal President would have pressed Putin on extraditin­g the 16 Russians who have just been indicted in the American election meddling, would have pressed Putin on his illegal annexation of Crimea, would have pressed Putin on the recent assassinat­ions of Russian dissidents in England. Our dictator loving President did none of that.

When asked about these issues, he blames Obama, Hillary, the Dems, the FBI, the Justice Department, and anyone else but Putin.

His shameful obedience to Putin can only mean one of two things: that the Russians have lots of very damaging informatio­n on Trump, or that he really is a treasonous politician who would rather work with and be like dictators, Erdogan of Turkey, Dutarte of the Phillipine­s, Ping of China, and Putin, than a true American President who values the Constituti­on and Country above all else.

Will Americans, Democrat, Republican, and Independen­t, start to rise up and oppose the continuing ruining of our Democracy by the most destructiv­e President ever to the values of our country, or will we continue to wrap ourselves in the Mueller security blanket? Mr. Mueller, if you are listening, please hurry! Tom Buglio West Chester

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