Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

How to throw a holiday open house party

- By Katie Workman The Associated Press

There are many ways to entertain, but during the busy holiday season, it’s the open house party that I gravitate to.

Not a big, sit-down meal. Not a frenetic, crowded, two-hour cocktail party. Rather, a gentle stretch of time with people coming and going as they please.

With a serve-yourself bar and an array of (mostly) room-temperatur­e food, you can create a relaxed atmosphere that says the whole point was to connect for a little while, and share a drink and something good to eat.

Here’s how to put together your own open house: TIME AND DATE

Evenings are festive, but consider an afternoon party if you are including a lot of families with kids. A four-hour time frame allows for a nice flow of people coming and going, and hopefully means that you will be able to spend some real time with your guests. Send an invite — either paper or online — and include any helpful informatio­n about directions, parking or attire. PLAN AHEAD AND MAKE LISTS

1. Write down all tasks, from brining the pork loin to buying flowers to stocking the bathroom with towels and soap.

2. Make a list of what to buy and when to buy it. Shop for non-perishable­s, including all drinks, as far in advance as you can.

3. Plan out what can be made ahead, and especially what can be frozen.

4. Sketch a timeline for the day: what needs to happen, what gets served when. Name who is responsibl­e for each item. THE FOOD

The key words are “make ahead” and “room temperatur­e.” You might pick one or two things to serve hot, like pigs in a blanket, and pop a few batches of those into the oven over the course of the party — or not! Serving one dish from a slow cooker, like a hot dip, is another option for a hot offering,

Start by thinking about a buffet and what foods are happy to sit out for a while. You don’t need an enormous menu; four or five offerings are fine. You will likely want to make extras for certain dishes, so you can swap in a fresh plate as the party goes on and new folks arrive.

Also think about color — things that make sense together on a plate. Be sure to have something from every food group. And don’t forget to have something for those who are vegetarian and/or gluten-free.

Have a few dessert options as well, placed in a separate area if possible.

If people ask if they can bring something, say yes. You can’t have too many desserts during the holidays! THE BUFFET

Set out all platters and serving utensils at least the night before. Use Post-Its or scraps of paper to label each platter with what it will hold. Take a mental walk through your whole menu.

Put out the glasses, plates, utensils, napkins, etc. Don’t stress if things don’t match: There is a lot of charm in mixing up the various items you own.

Many people turn to plastic or nice paper for larger gatherings, depending on the number of guests and how many dishes you are willing to face the next day.

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