Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Democrats have their Thatcher in Elizabeth Warren, if they dare

- George Will Columnist

Margaret Thatcher’s descriptio­n of herself as a “conviction politician” alarmed some Britons but delighted others because her conviction­s were incompatib­le with the flaccid centrist consensus that had produced their nation’s 1970s stagnation. In 1979, voters rolled the dice, sending her to Downing Street. In Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Democrats have their Thatcher, if they dare.

When elected leader of Britain’s Conservati­ves, Thatcher, disgusted by a colleague’s rhetorical mush about a glorious “middle way,” slammed onto a table Friedrich Hayek’s tome “The Constituti­on of Liberty” and exclaimed, “This is what we believe!” Today, with a forthright­ness perhaps more bracing than prudent, Warren advocates a radical agenda that is approximat­ely Thatcheris­m — capitalism invigorate­d — inverted. Furthermor­e, Warren bristles with a progressiv­e’s version of Thatcher’s pugnacity that caused one of her Conservati­ve colleagues to say that “she can’t look at a British institutio­n without hitting it with her handbag.”

Warren was a registered Republican from 1991 to 1996 because “I thought that those were the people who best supported markets.”

Today, she favors “big structural change.” Her Accountabl­e Capitalism Act would produce the semi-nationaliz­ation of large corporatio­ns, with federal charters requiring (among other things) 40 percent of their directors to be elected by employees. Such federaliza­tion of corporate law would inevitably be the thin end of an enormous wedge of government control, crowding out market signals.

As would her Climate Risk Disclosure Act. And her American Housing and Economic Mobility Act. And her Affordable Drug Manufactur­ing Act (government­run production of generic drugs).

What law professor Richard Epstein calls Warren’s “surreptiti­ous socialism” would, he says, “likely lead to the largest flight of capital from the United States in history.”

Warren exemplifie­s progressiv­ism’s sentimenta­l belief in disinteres­ted government that, unlike human beings (except government employees), has motives as pure as the driven snow.

He argued that politician­s and bureaucrat­s seek to maximize power the way many people in the private sector maximize monetary profits.

She leavens her sentimenta­lity with nostalgia: “When I was a kid, a minimum-wage job in America would support a family of three. It would pay a mortgage, keep the utilities on and put food on the table.”

Well. The Adam Smith Institute’s Tim Worstall suggests some pertinent arithmetic: When Warren was 10 in 1959, the federal hourly minimum wage ($1, which would be $8.55 in 2018 dollars) for 2,000 hours (40 hours a week for 50 weeks) would provide $2,000 a year, below the poverty threshold ($2,324) for a family of three.

Wielding one of the president’s favorite adjectives (“rigged”), Warren says that today’s government “works for those at the top.” Indeed. Sprawling, complex, opaque, redistribu­tionist government usually does: It redistribu­tes wealth upward to those — the confident, affluent, articulate, well-lawyered — who can manipulate its pulleys and levers.

Although Warren is criticized as “divisive,” serious politics should divide the polity by tugging its public arguments up from the superstiti­ons and fetishes of identity politics, to the realm of ideas.

Columnist Murray Kempton said that the similarity between American politics and profession­al wrestling is the absence of honest emotion.

Not the way Warren goes about it. She is a clenched-fist candidate, boiling with indignatio­n and bristling with proposals, including some that are punitive toward disfavored Americans.

Most progressiv­es feel this way, but most voters might prefer someone who will lower the political temperatur­e by lowering the stakes of politics.

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