Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Dem infighting on race spills into 2020 presidenti­al contest

- By Steve Peoples

The highly public, racially charged rift between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a clutch of freshmen congresswo­men led by Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez has spilled into the 2020 Democratic presidenti­al contest. The intramural conflict is threatenin­g to overshadow President Donald Trump’s history of race-baiting and xenophobia.

Seizing an opportunit­y to rile his opponents, Trump on Friday offered a fingerwagg­ing rebuke to OcasioCort­ez and a defense of Pelosi. “She is not a racist,” he said of the speaker, who rarely hides her contempt for the president and certainly was not seeking his support.

While many Democrats had hoped to use the president’s history on race against him, the party’s 2020 hopefuls are finding they first need to reconcile the matter internally.

Former Vice President Joe Biden cited Trump’s tacit support for white supremacis­ts as the primary motivation for his White House bid. Yet Biden has struggled in recent weeks to explain his own record on race, including his work with segregatio­nist lawmakers in the early 1970s, support for a crime bill that disproport­ionately hurt minorities and racially insensitiv­e comments about school desegregat­ion decades ago.

In the first Democratic presidenti­al debate last month, California Sen. Kamala Harris skewered Biden’s record on race, and his support in public polls has declined since.

Now that debate is also playing out on Capitol Hill in the feud between two prominent congresswo­men: Pelosi, the most powerful Democrat in Washington, and Ocasio-Cortez, a 29-year-old self-described democratic socialist who in one of four members of a high-profile “squad” of newly elected women of color.

Pelosi sought to minimize Ocasio-Cortez’s influence in recent days, while Ocasio-Cortez called the speaker “disrespect­ful” and accused her of marginaliz­ing women of color.

The friction has forced the party’s presidenti­al candidates to weigh in. And so far, no one wants to pick sides.

Harris described OcasioCort­ez as “bold and smart as anything” but declined to criticize Pelosi in a Friday interview with The Breakfast Club, a New York-based radio show.

“She’s not going to go with status quo because that’s the way it’s always been done, she questions it. I think that’s healthy,” Harris said of Ocasio-Cortez. “I think that when you have anyone who is as smart and as bold as her questionin­g the system and doing it in such an effective way, it can throw people off their game.”

Harris also disputed Ocasio-Cortez’ criticism of Pelosi: “I’ve known her to be very respectful of women of color and very supportive of them. So I have a different experience.”

South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who has struggled to attract minority support early in his underdog presidenti­al bid, was even more cautious when asked to address the rift as he campaigned Friday in New Hampshire.

“I’m not going to pick sides in a House caucus tussle,” he said. “What I will say is that the diversity of opinions in the party right now is pretty healthy. And one of the best ways that we hash out what we believe as a party is through something like a Democratic primary nominating process for the presidency.”

The fight within the party could limit the efforts to highlight Trump’s hardline rhetoric and policies on race and immigratio­n.

Congressio­nal Democrats released a report this month on the 2,648 children the Trump administra­tion separated from their families last year along the U.S.Mexico border. At least 18 children under age 2 — half of whom were just months old — were kept from their parents up to half a year.

Trump famously called Mexican immigrants rapists and murders in his campaign announceme­nt speech. He has since promoted social media posts from white nationalis­ts. And he said there were “very fine people” on both sides of a white supremacy rally in Virginia last summer that left one protester dead.

But Democrats are talking more about themselves more than Trump. And the conversati­on is not an easy one. They want the grassroots energy that OcasioCort­ez can provide along with the institutio­nal heft that Pelosi routinely delivers.

Among the 2020 candidates, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren have been the most prominent Ocasio-Cortez allies in recent months. Sanders and the young congresswo­man headlined a rally for the Green New Deal together in May, while Warren wrote that “millions are taking cues from her” in an essay outlining Ocasio-Cortez’ place on Time Magazine’s list of the 100 Most Influentia­l People of 2019.

Neither has spoken out on the Pelosi-Ocasio-Cortez dispute in recent days, however.

Liberal activist Adam Green, a Warren ally, said that with the exception of the Democratic Party’s eventual presidenti­al nominee, no Democrat will command more attention in national politics in 2020 than Ocasio-Cortez.

“She and her allies in the squad are redefining the debate,” he said.

He may be overstatin­g her reach. Democrats also know that they regained the majority in the House by winning far more suburban districts with more centrist candidates in the very places they need to retake the White House.

The debate will likely continue this weekend when Ocasio-Cortez’s squad members — Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich. — attend a gathering of progressiv­e activists this weekend in Philadelph­ia.

A handful of Democratic presidenti­al contenders, including Warren and New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, will speak later in the day.

As she kicked off a bus tour in Pittsburgh earlier in the week, Gillibrand showed a dexterity designed to not offend.

“I think the Democratic Party is a large, diverse party ... and we’re up against a president whose trying to take away healthcare rights, who won’t stand up to the drug companies, who won’t stand up to the special interests,” Gillibrand said Thursday of the Pelosi-Ocasio-Cortez feud. “And so I think we’ll figure it out, and I have great faith in our new members of Congress as well as the speaker to find the common ground to move us forward.”

 ?? PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY., gestures while testifying before the House Oversight Committee hearing on family separation and detention centers, Friday on Capitol Hill in Washington.
PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY., gestures while testifying before the House Oversight Committee hearing on family separation and detention centers, Friday on Capitol Hill in Washington.
 ?? ANDREW HARNIK — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif. meets with reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday.
ANDREW HARNIK — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif. meets with reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday.

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