Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

$10 million publicity tab is astounding


Pennsylvan­ia legislator­s — you know them as members of the largest and most expensive full-time state lawmaking body in the nation — often defend their time away from the capitol as a chance to get out in their home districts.

They meet with constituen­ts, attend community events, recognize individual­s and organizati­ons being honored and speak at town halls.

Legislator­s often remark they work harder during legislativ­e recesses, like the current two and a half month summer break, than they do when in Harrisburg.

Considerin­g how much gets accomplish­ed from September to May every year, that’s a pretty low bar.

Typically, the work most important to taxpayers — education, infrastruc­ture, government reform, taxation — gets pushed to the budget deadline in June and then is left unfinished for the year.

And those community appearance­s? The press releases, official photos and website videos publicizin­g the outreach efforts of legislator­s come with a hefty pricetag, according to a recent investigat­ive report by LNP publicatio­ns, Lancaster.

A news story distribute­d by The Associated Press last week reported Pennsylvan­ia taxpayers are paying nearly $10 million annually for “a small army of spokespeop­le and efforts through video and online” to allow legislator­s to get their stories out to constituen­ts.

LNP calculated the annual cost by reviewing spending records from 2013 through last year for the message operation that often produces copy and shows with a partisan message, according to the report.

“The Legislatur­e’s equipment includes at least three TV studios built to produce state-run, news-like programs that feature lawmakers. The four caucuses — Republican­s and Democrats in the House and Senate — have a combined public relations staff of about 130 people,” the report stated.

In addition, taxpayers are on the hook for the cost of newsletter­s and news releases, telephone town halls, and website automation that alerts staff when legislator­s are mentioned in news media.

The LNP report quoted legislativ­e leaders defending the high cost of publicity: “People tell us that they want to be more connected with government, and we’re trying on our end to provide those services,” said Drew Crompton, chief of staff to Republican Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati.

“To what degree do they really want to be connected with government? I don’t know. But we think it’s important to send out as much informatio­n as someone would view.”

According to the LNP analysis, “the largest portion of the cost is personnel, including videograph­ers and photograph­ers, broadcast specialist­s and graphic artists. Senate Democrats employ a social media director. House Democrats have a director of digital media and analytics.”

Staffers are reimbursed for travel costs when they go into legislator­s’ home districts to report on appearance­s or events.

“Their product, featured on publicly funded websites and social media accounts, can include video of committee hearings and senior expos, or shots of lawmakers wearing hardhats in factories or sitting down with veterans, interviewi­ng kids at the Farm Show or making pastries in a local bakery,” the report stated.

In a state where schools are underfunde­d and bridges and highways crumbling, $10 million is a lot of money to throw at publicity. These are taxpayers’ dollars, not campaign contributi­ons.

We can think of better uses of our money than paying for a sophistica­ted re-election advertisin­g campaign thinly disguised as the public’s right to know.

By all means, legislator­s should visit home districts. Talk to people, attend events, shake hands and learn about the needs and wants in our communitie­s. Leave behind the videograph­ers and social media specialist­s.

Spend time and money fixing the problems in Pennsylvan­ia.

That would be something worth publicizin­g.

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