Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Dismantle Seattle ‘autonomous zone’


Who said 2020 couldn’t get more chaotic?

Pandemics, police, and protests were preeminent, but they have now given way to “proletaria­t” pandemoniu­m, as anarchists, communists and wannabe warlords (interspers­ed with partying Millennial­s and Generation Z’ers) have commandeer­ed a section of Seattle and declared it an “autonomous zone.”

Sure, it seems to be all rainbows and lollipops for those barricaded inside a six-block area around the city’s Capitol Hill neighborho­od, with “free” food, film screenings, no police, no rules and no government. But before like-minded folks attempt to emulate this in other cities, perhaps they should look at the real picture inside the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ): No protection from criminals; no legal recourse; no true medical care; no proper sanitation removal; no showers; almost no toilets (with streets doubling as bathrooms, creating a stench made pungent by the summer heat); vastly increased response times for 911 calls (if those calls are answered at all); and public and private property destroyed at will. And that’s just for starters. Once the novelty of playing house with hundreds of strangers wears off, the radicals and those following them will learn that their social justice utopia doesn’t quite stack up when compared to a warm shower, hot meal, and a bed that isn’t a sidewalk.

As social experiment­s go, this is a monumental failure for extreme leftism. Far more important is that this flagrant disregard of the law was permitted to take place, let alone continue, for over a week. That abominatio­n is an indictment of Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, and President Donald Trump.

The CHAZ is so rudderless that, quite comically, its “inhabitant­s” can’t even agree on what to call their “movement.” First, it was CHAZ. That didn’t sit right, so then it became CHOP — Capitol Hill Occupied Protest. But that didn’t work either, so the “O” now stands for “Organized” — though “Out-toLunch” might be more appropriat­e.

This isn’t just some random government building that was taken over, but an entire neighborho­od. Leaders have allowed a major American city in their jurisdicti­on to be controlled by armed insurgents, and both have permitted Washington residents (and yes, American citizens) to be stripped of their constituti­onal rights. The CHAZ occupiers have broken scores of laws, and threaten the stability of the entire region, so the abject failure of leaders to end the anarchy is on full display.

Since CHAZ organizers engaged in criminal acts, some bordering on terror, their demands should be ignored and no negotiatio­ns should occur, as doing so gives them a legitimacy which they don’t deserve.

Some of the CHAZ issues may well be valid. But when you decimate the rule of law simply because you don’t like it, and seize American territory by intimidati­on and force, you forfeit your right to be heard. Far from legitimate civil disobedien­ce, CHAZ is a slap to all who do it the right way, from the Civil Rights movement to today’s peaceful demonstrat­ions. If the criminal element in CHAZ wants the world to hear their beefs, they can write their treatises in prison. Because that’s where they belong.

Failure to arrest and prosecute will set a dangerous precedent. As it stands, because no one has acted to end the madness (a “victory” for the anarchists), it has emboldened other to contemplat­e doing the same thing. But if you think a rag-tag group in Seattle is bad, just wait for coordinate­d, well-funded agitators to turn it up a notch in cities across America.

Most disappoint­ing is that President Trump’s response has been limited to tweeting. His allwords, no-action bravado and never-ending string of idle threats are quickly creating Trump Fatigue, even among supporters.

Public servants don’t pick and choose whom they help based on political preference­s. And anyone thinking this situation affects only those in Seattle has lost all rational perspectiv­e. A hostile takeover is an affront to every single American, of every race, creed and color, because it strikes at the very core of what makes America a stable bastion of freedom. Politics should have nothing to do with resolving this crisis. Ending it is the right policy; if there is political benefit, so be it. But that’s a bonus.

Americans would back Mr. Trump by a wide margin if he used the FBI (not the military) to dismantle CHAZ and arrest its leaders — especially if he addressed the nation in real-time as the operation unfolded, articulati­ng what he was doing, and why.

Unfortunat­ely, Donald Trump seems to be worrying more about losing his job than doing it. It’s time the President acts like our commander-in-chief and puts an end to this ugly saga. Be it CHAZ, CHOP or the name-du jour is, the time to end it is now.

 ?? Chris Freind
Columnist ??
Chris Freind Columnist

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