Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Time right for Girardi’s recruiting game with Realmuto

- Jack McCaffery

Down to four remaining games and even fewer remaining answers, Joe Girardi was certain of at least one thing as he prepared Wednesday to concoct a batting order.

Somewhere in there, high or low, as a catcher or at first base or as a designated hitter, there would be J.T. Realmuto.

For every reason, and that means every reason, there could not be an alternativ­e.

“Whether I told him to or not,” Girardi said prior to the Phillies’ 12-3 win over the Washington Nationals Wednesday night, “he’s going to play.”

Realmuto has a hip injury, one that recently shut him down for 10 days and seemed to be aggravated during a run to first base the other night in Washington. At the conclusion of the World Series, he will be a free agent. Shortly after, he will be the highest-paid catcher in history, the assumption being that the hip trouble never becomes career-threatenin­g.

That the Phillies are still technicall­y involved in a playoff race, they are obligated, as is Realmuto, to think about that first and about negotiatio­ns later. It’s that very profession­alism that has added to Realmuto’s industry-wide appeal. He does not quit on a team. So, Girardi has been managing accordingl­y, using him in whichever ways make the most sense in a convoluted season that could still wind up fulfilling.

“I don’t think it’s a structural thing,” Girardi said before a game against the Nationals. “It’s a muscular thing. Muscles heal.”

Muscles heal, but feelings are never so easily soothed. And for whatever reason since he was acquired from Miami two offseasons ago for a package that included Sixto Sanchez, a strong candidate for Rookie of the Year, Realmuto has resisted signing a long-term deal with the Phillies. For that, the rumor-spreaders have been emboldened, in recent days dripping the news that the Nationals have interest in the All-Star catcher, as do the Mets, who recently were purchased by an owner with nearly five times the money of John Middleton.

The Rangers, not far from Realmuto’s Del City, Oklahoma, roots, are said to have his number on speed dial. And every once in a while, the Yankees will dabble in highpriced free agency, as Girardi might have heard.

So there the Phillies were Wednesday, down to their final hours with Realmuto under contract, facing the threat that Sanchez becomes a 14-time All-Star, and realizing that as wretched as their pitching has been with him, it would be even worse if he were not behind the plate. Dutifully, Girardi would start him at first base. The idea was to help the Phillies win. It was also to keep Realmuto content.

“That’s who he is, and that’s what you appreciate and love about him,” the manager said. “And there are a lot of athletes like that. Their focus is today, and winning today. And those guys earn the respect of everybody.”

Earning respect is important. Earning up to $30 million a year is right up there, or so they say.

Soon enough, Realmuto is going to have both. And the recruiting will be legendary. The Phillies, though, have weapons. Even if Middleton doesn’t have Steve Cohen’s stash, he has more than enough to finance Realmuto. The Phillies also have Bryce Harper, who has done everything but commission a private plane dragging a “Sign J.T.!” banner above the ballpark. And sometimes, it’s all about who you know.

The Phillies do not have a winning general manager. Chances are, Matt Klentak will soon be fired. Their team president, Andy MacPhail, has never demonstrat­ed an urgency to win. And with the exception of signing Harper, a major exemption to be sure, Middleton has not been the latter-day George Steinbrenn­er that he semipromis­ed.

But in recruiting, there are always tiebreaker­s. Realmuto will play anywhere. He’ll be wealthy anywhere. And he could find a club with a better chance to win a World Series than the one that has left him so exasperate­d that he recently spent 10 televised minutes with Girardi reportedly demanding the pitchers become more aggressive in the strike zone.

Not every team, though, is managed by a former catcher, and a successful one, a world champion. Not every team is managed by a former broadcaste­r with impeccable people skills. Not every team is managed by Girardi, whose ways with words and lineup cards must be maximized.

Since the Phillies are already uncomforta­bly close to next year, Girardi’s agenda should be morphing. Of course, he must find a way to win 2020 games. But he’ll be around in 2021, and he should be using his salesmansh­ip to ensure that Realmuto is, too. Get over here, J.T. Who loves ya’? “I haven’t done it during the season, because I don’t think it’s the time to do it,” Girardi said of any expectatio­n that he be a manager/recruiter. “But I think J.T. knows how much I appreciate him and love him for who he is. And I understand the position. There’ll come a time for that. But right now, our focus has to be on winning games.”

Done the right way, recruiting and winning can be rolled into the same day-to-day maneuvers. Even if his hip is too sore for him to sprint to the top dugout step, Realmuto wants to play. So Joe Girardi finds a place for him, every day, somewhere.

Soon, Realmuto will be considerin­g his options for 2021 and well beyond. He will have more than a half-dozen of the serious kind. All will be for about the same money, give or take eight bucks. The Phillies will be in that mix.

If the idea of playing for a former catcher who gives him playing time is appealing, Realmuto will be in the Phillies’ 2021 Opening Day lineup.

It’s as good a time as ever for Girardi to make that point.

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