Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)



Aries ( March 21- April 19): You’ll be like a magician today, “eff ortlessly” pulling off a spectacle. The real magician’s secret isn’t how the trick is done; it’s the fact that it takes over a hundred hours of practice to execute fi ve dazzling minutes. Taurus ( April 20- May 20): If there’s one thing to reliably count on, it’s that people will invariably behave in ways you do not prefer. And yet, you still believe that you’ll fi nd the gems, get along and be happy. You’re right about that, too. Gemini ( May 21- June 21): Your cosmic gift today is a good one — tenacity — through which so much is made possible. The caveat is that you must apply this ferocious drive only to your own projects. It’s too intense an energy to share. Cancer ( June 22- July 22): You’ve a playful, receptive energy for everyone you meet. Because of this, most people soft en and open up around you. Spontaneou­s connection­s are a refl ection of your warmth. Leo ( July 23- Aug. 22): There are no perfect people. Good relationsh­ips are about accepting the imperfecti­ons of people and appreciati­ng many ways that strengths and weaknesses fi t together. Virgo ( Aug. 23- Sept. 22): You already know not to go to the grocery on an empty stomach. Likewise, distinguis­hing want vs. need over the next 10 days is trickier if you hunger and thirst for more life. Stay well- fed on all levels.

Libra ( Sept. 23- Oct. 23): There’s a streak of exhibition­ism going through the day. You have something important to contribute and the general public will be receptive to it, especially with your entertaini­ng approach. Scorpio ( Oct. 24- Nov. 21): The soldier doesn’t rush forward to battle without a strategy. The teacher has a lesson plan. The doctor reads a chart. Everyone is doing their prework today, including you. It will take many hours and be worth it. Sagittariu­s ( Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Talk to your team. If you don’t have a team, then start to assemble one. An ingenious plan evolves. Also, when you respect the protocol of organizati­ons, it respects you right back.

Capricorn ( Dec. 22- Jan. 19): Just when you think you’re alone, you realize that, in fact, you are being observed by someone who is assessing how well you might fi t a particular role. It’s up to you to make this your business or not. Aquarius ( Jan. 20- Feb. 18): Small decisions do have a way of rippling out to great eff ect. One eff ort that’s worth making is in matters of love and friendship. Whatever you do to keep things fresh and exciting will go a long way. Pisces ( Feb. 19- March 20): Seems like much of today’s schedule falls under two categories at once — “potentiall­y boring” and “mandatory attendance.” Don’t let that get you down. A bit of mischief gets tossed in there to perk everyone up.

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