Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)


- By Phillip Alder

In 1994, David Bird published a book entitled “Bachelor Bridge” ( Master Point Press). Now, with the assistance of Simon Cocheme, the bidding has been brought up to date, the text honed and extra deals added.

The book’s hero is Jack, who is looking for a bridge- playing girlfriend. In the 26 chapters, Jack has no trouble meeting women, but he is much less successful at finding a girlfriend. It takes the whole alphabet!

In this deal from Chapter 20, Jack was East, casting an admiring eye over declarer Sharon.

North’s raise to two hearts was debatable, but she had not heard of the Support Double. If she had passed, East would have raised to two spades, South would have made a card- showing double, and then North could have supported hearts.

Against four hearts, West led the spade ace, and Jack played the queen, promising his namesake. After a spade to the jack, East switched to the club jack. Sharon won with dummy’s ace and played a heart to her jack. When that held, what did declarer do next?

While you are deciding, note that five diamonds by North can be made with a heart- club squeeze against East.

To keep the contract under control if trumps were 4- 2, Sharon led her heart two at trick five. East took his trump trick, but a third spade would have been ruffed on the board. When he continued with a second club, declarer won with her king, drew trumps and ran the diamonds.

If you would like to know why Sharon didn’t become Jack’s girlfriend, you will have to read the book.

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