Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Book World: Jeff Bezos’ thoughts on Big Business, outer space and The Washington Post

- By James Ledbetter

Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos

By Jeff Bezos, with an introducti­on by Walter Isaacson

Harvard Business Review/ PublicAff airs. 271 pp. $ 28 - - - It is quite strange, whether or not you’ve stopped to consider it, that Jeff Bezos has never published a book. Shelf after shelf could be fi lled with memoirs or “thought leadership” tomes from company founders who’ve been less successful than he has ( which is pretty much all founders). Moreover, Bezos and Amazon both have origin stories with the fl avor of legend, which would guarantee a large and eager audience.

“Invent and Wander” represents a partial attempt to fi ll that publishing vacuum by off ering Bezos’s “collected writings.” Specifi cally, the book consists of all the annual letters Bezos ( presumably with some ghostwriti­ng assistance) sent to Amazon shareholde­rs from 1997 to 2019, plus excerpts from interviews and speeches he has given in recent years. There is also a lengthy introducti­on from Walter Isaacson, who argues that Bezos’s personal character resembles that of some of Isaacson’s biographic­al subjects, such as Benjamin Franklin and Steve Jobs.

The range of topics in this volume is broad, including Bezos’s humble personal beginnings, Amazon’s occasional stumbles along an otherwise rocket- boosted growth path, the practical applicatio­ns of artifi cial intelligen­ce and machine learning, and Bezos’s rationale for expanded space exploratio­n ( he doesn’t favor colonizing Mars). There is even a brief chapter in which Bezos explains why he bought The Washington Post.

In his introducti­on, Isaacson weaves these disparate strands into an eff ective story line. The keys to Bezos’s success, he argues, are passionate curiosity, a multidisci­plinary scope that incorporat­es science and humanities, and the ability to retain “a childlike sense of wonder.” Bezos had a hunch in the mid- 1990s about the stratosphe­ric growth of the Internet, but only the skills to hustle and innovate allowed him to turn that insight into a successful business. Bezos’s personal philosophy, Isaacson concludes, is an intriguing mixture of “social liberalism” and a fervent commitment to free- market, entreprene­urial capitalism.

The rest of the book is a bit harder to digest. The shareholde­r letters do provide a useful map of Amazon’s journey. Today, when Amazon stock trades at well over $ 3,000 a share and the company is worth a staggering $ 1.6 trillion, it is easy to forget that at the beginning of this century, as dot- com companies imploded, Amazon stock sank as low as $ 6 a share. Bezos began the 2000 letter to shareholde­rs with a one- word sentence: “Ouch.” Throughout the company’s history, he retains a sense of urgency - every day on the Internet, he insists, is Day One - and a painstakin­g focus on customer satisfacti­on. Amazon Web Services, a cloud- computing company that launched in 2006, grew out of a corporate culture that “is unusually supportive of small businesses with big potential,” Bezos wrote at the time. Today, AWS provides an outsize portion of Amazon’s profits, which seems to confi rm Bezos’s view.

Still, shareholde­r letters are seldom considered must- reads. Warren Buff ett’s were also collected into a book a few years ago, but they are truly diff erent beasts than Bezos’s and most others, with their combinatio­n of folk wisdom, Bible quotes and fairly detailed statistics. And even Buff ett’s letters become less compelling when stacked one year on top of the next.

The interview and speech excerpt section is more engaging, mostly because it contains fl eshandbloo­d details about the man and not just Amazon. Bezos’s mother was pregnant with him while still in high school in 1960s New Mexico, and she would have been expelled for it but for her father’s interventi­on. The young Bezos was a science fi ction nerd who built homemade booby traps to delight his obviously patient family. Bezos and his wife initially packed up Amazon orders while kneeling on a concrete fl oor. His idea for improvemen­t was kneepads; when an employee suggested packing tables, Bezos declared him a genius. “The next day I went and bought packing tables and doubled our productivi­ty,” he writes.

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