Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

To convince the hesitant, give Trump credit for the vaccine

- Marc Thiessen

President Joe Biden missed his Independen­ce Day target of getting first shots into the arms of 70% of American adults. If he wants to convince the vaccine-hesitant to get immunized — especially vaccine-hesitant Republican­s — there is a simple way to do so: Give Donald Trump the credit he deserves for the vaccines. Former presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter were all invited to record public service ads urging Americans to get vaccinated. The only former president not included was the one whose voice could have made the biggest difference — Trump.

This makes no sense. Today, it is Trump supporters who are most likely to remain unvaccinat­ed. The 20 U.S. states with the highest vaccinatio­n rates all voted for Biden in 2020. Meanwhile, most of the 22 states with the lowest vaccinatio­n rates went for Trump — including almost all of the states with vaccinatio­n rates below 50%. In conservati­ve Mississipp­i, only 38.3% of adults are fully vaccinated, compared with 76.1% in liberal Vermont. A new Post-ABC News poll finds that while 86% of Democrats say they have received at least one dose, only 45% of Republican­s have. And while just 6% of unvaccinat­ed Democrats say they aren’t likely to get vaccinated, 47% of Republican­s say they probably or definitely will not get shots against the virus.

If Biden wants to convince those Americans to get immunized, he should remind them that Operation Warp Speed — the greatest public health achievemen­t in human history — was also the greatest achievemen­t of the Trump presidency. Trump invested about $10 billion in six vaccine candidates — purchasing hundreds of millions of doses of vaccines before they were proven, and clearing away regulatory hurdles. All three vaccines that eventually received FDA approval received critical support from his administra­tion. He provided $955 million to support the developmen­t of Moderna’s vaccine and another $1.5 billion to support large-scale manufactur­ing and distributi­on of the vaccine. He also pledged $1.95 billion for the purchase and nationwide distributi­on of 100 million doses of Pfizer’s vaccine, and $1.46 billion to purchase 100 million doses of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine. And he provided $1.6 billion in support for Novavax, whose vaccine has been shown to be 90.4% effective and plans to file for FDA authorizat­ion in the third quarter.

Before leaving office, Trump had contracted to buy at least 800 million vaccine doses with delivery by July 31 — enough to vaccinate every single American. He put us on track to end the pandemic, and get our lives back.

But instead of giving Trump credit for this accomplish­ment, Biden has tried to play down Trump’s role, falsely declaring that “my predecesso­r — as my mother would say, ‘God love him’ — failed to order enough vaccines.” Indeed, Biden has tried to take credit not only for vaccine distributi­on but also vaccine developmen­t, noting in a recent speech that “the science was done under Democratic and Republican administra­tions.” This is childish. Operation Warp Speed gave us the vaccines. Trump led it. It was his achievemen­t. Full stop.

Indeed, an appeal from Trump may very well be the only thing that would convince some of his supporters to get their shots.

Of course, Trump does not need to wait for an invitation from Biden. He could set up vaccinatio­n sites at his rallies, which would give him an opportunit­y to tout his administra­tion’s singular success in saving us from COVID-19.

And Republican governors in pro-Trump states could record public service ads of their own featuring Trump urging his supporters to get the vaccines his administra­tion produced.

But though those efforts might be useful, it is the sitting president’s responsibi­lity to convince Americans to get immunized. While the Biden administra­tion deserves credit for the effective distributi­on of the vaccines, it was President Trump who made the vaccines possible.

The message to vaccine-hesitant Republican­s should be: If you trust Trump, get your Trump vaccine.

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