Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Council votes to require vax for workers

- By Bill Rettew wrettew@dailylocal.com

WEST CHESTER » Borough Council voted unanimousl­y, at Wednesday’s meeting, to require all borough employees to be fully immunized against COVID-19.

Employees who refuse to take the jab will be terminated.

“I think this makes sense,” Borough Council President Michael Galey said at Tuesday’s workshop meeting. “We should lead by example.

“Yes, I’m prepared to lose employees. This is not an overreach of our powers.”

Prior to the vote, and during the public speaking portion of Tuesday’s meeting, resident Jay Martin told council that the vaccine manipulate­s the genetic code.

He also said that requiring the vaccine was a violation of the Nuremberg Code.

On Wednesday, Martin referred to the vaccine as a “biological weapon” manufactur­ed against the public, and requiring the shot is “oppression” and an “experiment.”

The amount of time the borough allows for employees to receive the vaccine, and any other items not yet considered by council, will need to be negotiated with both labor unions representi­ng the police, dispatch, parking enforcemen­t and public works department­s.

“That will take time and we will reach out to them shortly now that council approved the policy,” said Assistant Borough Manager Sean Metrick, following the meetings.

Exemptions to mandatory vaccinatio­n may be granted based on medical reasons and sincerely held religious beliefs, practices or observance­s.

All seven council members, Mayor Jordan Norley, and each of there candidates for mayor addressed the issue prior to Wednesday’s vote.

Councilman Bernie Flynn said that he and his family are vaccinated. After talking about the vaccine earlier that day, Flynn had “confirmed that this is the right thing to do.”

Councilman Don Braceland said he is immune compromise­d. He worked in the health care field for 45 years where “nobody complained” when vaccines and flu shots were required.

“This is a political thing more so than a public safety issue,” Braceland said.

He said that those opposed

have little concern for fellow human beings or concern for the person sitting next to them.

Councilman Nick Allen said that mainstream media promotes an emphasis on a fear-based message. He also said that the health care industry is “messed up” and the pharmaceut­ical industry hosts some of the “greediest people on earth.”

Councilwom­an Lisa Dorsey noted that the fact that so many were present in council chambers was proof that the vaccine is working.

“Public health is becoming a polarizing issue,” Dorsey said.

Galey asked how many had been inflicted with polio and no one raised a hand.

Norley noted that public servants have to take an oath to protect the public.

Libertaria­n Mayoral candidate Beth Ann Rosica asked council to consider the cost of implementa­tion for the taxpayers.

Tuesday night’s meeting turned contentiou­s. On Wednesday, Independen­t candidate for mayor Eric Lorgus asked the public to be treated in a “positive manner and with courtesy, even if people are misinforme­d.”

Democratic mayoral candidate Lillian DeBaptiste is concerned with the health of the immune compromise­d and young children.

“That’s their belief and the heck with everyone else,” she said about vaccine doubters.

Public Works Department employee Tom Beaver asked council to consider the efforts of employees prior to the vaccine introducti­on who “busted their humps on behalf of residents and to recognize their sacrifice.”

Hank Maldonado works with Beaver.

“We put our lives on the line for this community,” he said. “This is a slap in the face that I’m about to lose my job.”

Maldonado asked that more informatio­n be given to employees making the decision and was told by Galey that more informatio­n would be forthcomin­g, likely from a physician and the Chester County Health Department.

Resident Mary Jo Zengel spoke up Tuesday night.

“If it’s so effective, why boosters six months later?” she asked. “Since when does any one medical treatment work for everyone?”

Union representa­tive Ryan Collins told council that mandating the shot was a violation of the collective bargaining agreement. He also said that more than 90 percent of borough employees have already been vaccinated.

Resident John Vella said that COVID affects the old and sick and it does not affect the entire population.

“The younger you are, the less risk there is,” he said. “The Delta variant is as dangerous as the common flu.

“This is not a good policy; it doesn’t follow the science.”

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