Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Extremists do not reflect ‘the right’


The shooter in Buffalo had a racist motive. He wanted to kill Black people. We don’t know exactly how he developed his hatred, but we know that it was the motivating factor in his rampage because it’s confirmed by his own words.

Beyond that, we know that this race hatred manifested itself in the most tragic form of loss for ten grieving families. These are the things that we know.

Unfortunat­ely, a lot of people with shady motives have explained from their lofty media pulpits exactly how the Buffalo assassin became an avenging angel for the white race. Mind readers all, they have the same theory which undergirds their narrative, as if they’d all received the same explanator­y email from some leftist university docent.

Here is how it goes: Tucker Carlson, newly dubbed “American Nationalis­t” by the New York Times, has fomented this race hatred with his highly rated cable news program on Fox. People like Nicholas Confessore, who authored the three-part series on Carlson which appeared a few weeks ago, argues that the Fox star has promoted something called “replacemen­t theory,” which essentiall­y holds that white Americans are being “replaced” by people of color. That theory, which actually is bandied about on white supremacis­t websites and in the dark corners of the interwebs, is real. It is dangerous, it is toxic, and it has taken a deep foothold in certain segments of American society.

But the problem comes when you try and argue that this sort of hatred has become a mainstay of the conservati­ve movement, which is exactly what the commentato­rs alleged in the wake of the Buffalo massacre.

I think we’re all a little tired of the guilt by associatio­n that has become common practice on the left when it comes to issues of racism. Any time there is the suggestion that a shooter has targeted his victims because of their race, religion or ethnicity, the angle for the media becomes “he was radicalize­d by Fox News.”

It’s not even shocking anymore, just a “yawn, they’re doing it again, where’s my popcorn?”

President Biden has played into the whole conservati­ves are racist schtick with his coining of the phrase “Ultra Maga,” which conjures up visions of storm troopers in tactical gear waving Nazi flags while attending a CPAC conference. The pity is that he doesn’t need to do that, doesn’t need to exaggerate. There really are evil people who march in the streets and say things like “Jews will not replace us.” There are murderous thugs who did just that in Charlottes­ville, when Heather Heyer was massacred and the full measure of racism was on display.

But these were not Republican­s, and these were not the country club, suburban conservati­ves who belong to the Club for Growth and think Lily Pulitzer is fashion.

Just as the terrorists who took down the Twin Towers are not representa­tive of an entire religion, the philosophi­cal extremists do not reflect an entire demographi­c of political thinkers.

They don’t even represent one side of the political divide. The Buffalo assassin defined himself as a center-left, Fox News hating atheist who thought that the Republican Party was in league with corporatio­ns. He would not have been pulling the lever for Trump.

But that’s not how the left rolls these days. It’s much more gratifying for them to demonize an entire group of people, including minorities who don’t follow the prescribed script of “Democrat, anti-gun and prochoice,” than it is to actually examine each horrific incident on its own particular facts.

I grieve for the families who lost loved ones on Saturday. I think that we can have legitimate discussion­s about gun laws and mental health laws and, yes, hate crime statutes. But I am personally sick and tired of being told that a young white man who murdered ten Black people is representa­tive of me, and of those who think like me.

I refuse to believe that every Muslim wants to destroy America, and that every Black American wants to drive a car into a crowd where white grandmothe­rs are dancing in joy and celebratio­n. It’s time for a large part of those who stand on the other side of the political divide to extend that same human courtesy, and decency, to me.

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