Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)


So hot you might just see red glare, a plancha makes quick, succulent work of smashed cheeseburg­ers

- By Cathy Thomas » Correspond­ent

My niece Holly and her husband, Don, are chefs. Dinner invitation­s to their friends’ homes are few. The excuse? Pals say they are intimidate­d by the fancy food the couple serve when entertaini­ng at their house.

To prove a point, they hosted a gathering designed to show that their party food could be delicious yet in no way posh. They made smashed cheeseburg­ers, a one-at-a-time culinary performanc­e art of sorts. Each two-patty burger takes less than two minutes to cook on a super-hot plancha (cast iron griddle) perched on the grate of a gas or charcoal grill. It goes fast.

Buns are toasted and topped with condiments before grilling starts, so the burgers go together quickly, the cheese layered between the patties are melted to perfection.

It’s the crust that forms on each side of the meat that gives the burgers their irresistib­ility as well as a welcome texture contrast to the soft buns. The ground beef is rolled into readyto-cook spheres in advance, 2-ounce balls waiting for smashing.

It seems like a great idea for July Fourth gatherings with four to six guests. The plancha process goes fast: smash, sizzle, flip, cheese, sizzle, stack.

At her outdoor shindig, Holly served storebough­t ice cream cones, Drumsticks. With a grin, Holly asked guests if that was fancy enough. Here I offer a recipe for Strawberry Clouds, a delicious finish that can be served on angel food cake or ice cream.

And if you want a delicious side to serve with the burgers, it would be hard to beat baked beans scented with oranges. The dish can be prepared in advance and reheated.

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