Daily News (Los Angeles)

California has a leadership drought

- Columnist Doug McIntyre’s column appears Sundays. He can be reached at: Doug@ DougMcInty­re.com.

There’s not a drop of meaningful rain in the forecast for California but that doesn’t mean there aren’t storm clouds on the horizon.

While the recall election of Gov. Gavin Newsom is still a month off, our relentless drought continues to drain our reservoirs, dry up our lakes and rivers, fuel wild fires, empty the aqueducts and literally cause parts of the state to sink.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, Corcoran, California, has fallen 11 ½ feet over the past 14 years, crushing the casings of wells and other vital infrastruc­ture while necessitat­ing steep property tax hikes to fund millions in repairs. Many other San Joaquin Valley communitie­s face similar problems.

Of course, the massive Dixie fire, the largest wildfire in California history, is still burning up north and likely to burn for months.

You’d think a drought this severe would result in dramatic, even drastic action by the governor. But what should be done and what is being done is being viewed by Newsom through the prism of the September recall election rather than a rain gage.

The possibilit­y of being ousted from office has paralyzed the governor at the exact moment we desperatel­y need a leader.

Our most recent “rainy” season, October to March, was the third driest in California history, leaving the largest reservoirs in NorCal at one-third capacity.

Back in May, the governor did declare a “drought emergency” and nothing else. He might as well have declared darkness after sunset. Everyone knew we’re in a drought, the question was what to do about it? His answer was as little as possible.

In early July, Newsom signed an executive order, which sounds good, right? An order! — calling for voluntary water reductions of 15%. How’s that working out?

Last week, the State Water Resources Control Board voted to curtail water quotas from the Sacramento, San Joaquin and Russian River watersheds. The nameless, faceless Water Resources Control Board made the decision.

As we know, elections have consequenc­es. With the recall election looming, we’re suffering consequenc­es before we even vote. Newsom can read the polls as well as anyone. He knows the public is in a recalling mood. The last thing he needs is a bunch of thirsty, unbathed voters with dead lawns and filthy Teslas showing up on Election Day.

California (like the entire southwest) is subject to periodic droughts. Duh. While climate change has contribute­d mightily to our current crisis, so has unwise forest mismanagem­ent, foot-dragging on reservoir and off-stream water storage constructi­on and a general lack of leadership going back decades. Newsom is not the sole author of any of this, but neither has he moved us one drop closer to a solution.

Until the recall is over the governor will continue to fake his way through drought management without dropping the inevitable hammer on a public still recovering from COVID shutdowns, the new Delta variant with millions still bellyachin­g about face masks or even getting a life-saving vaccine. After September 14th, scotch and water drinkers will learn they’re now scotch plain drinkers.

When political leaders find themselves in hot water, personal considerat­ions trump the public’s interest. While Bill Clinton was wagging his finger at Monica Lewinski, Osama Bin Laden was plotting to hit our homeland. Soon-to-be exNew York Gov. Andrew Cuomo hasn’t exactly been bucklingdo­wn to business these past months, spending his days

(and nights) instead working the phones with aids and lawyers and bundlers to fight accusation­s of inappropri­ate (and possibly criminal) sexual misbehavio­r with staffers. Newsom’s

presidenti­al ambitions can’t survive being recalled, so drought? What drought?

We’d all like to believe in a time of crisis our leaders step up like ol’ Winston Churchill swilling champaign and dropping bon mots while kicking Nazi keister, or Honest Abe spinning folksy wisdom to his generals as he prodded them to save the Union.

Sadly, history doesn’t offer up many Churchills and Lincolns, which explains why JFK wrote “Profiles in Courage” not “The Encycloped­ia of Courage.”

The right thing to do is not always the popular thing. Newsom’s refusal to lead during this drought emergency is neither right nor likely to be popular come Sept. 14th.

 ?? HAVEN DALEY — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? An exposed dry bed is seen at Lake Mendocino near Ukiah, Calif. on Aug. 4, 2021.
HAVEN DALEY — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS An exposed dry bed is seen at Lake Mendocino near Ukiah, Calif. on Aug. 4, 2021.
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