Daily News (Los Angeles)

Resisters seeking religious waiver

- By Ruth Graham The New York Times

NEW YORK >> When Crisann Holmes’ employer announced last month that it would require all employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by Nov. 1, she knew she had to find a way out.

She signed a petition to ask the company to relax its mandate. She joined an informal protest, skipping work with other dissenting employees at the mental health care system where she has worked for two years. And she attempted a solution that many across the country are now exploring: a religious exemption.

“My freedom and my children’s freedom and children’s children’s freedom are at stake,” said Holmes, who lives in Indiana. In August, she submitted an exemption request she wrote herself, bolstered by her own Bible study and language from sources online. Some vaccines were developed using fetal cell lines from aborted fetuses, she wrote, citing a remote connection to a practice she finds abhorrent. She quoted a passage from the New Testament: “Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminat­es body and spirit.”

Major religious traditions, denominati­ons and institutio­ns are essentiall­y unanimous in their support of the vaccines against COVID-19. But as more employers across the country begin requiring COVID-19 vaccinatio­ns for workers, they are butting up against the nation’s sizable population of vaccine holdouts who nonetheles­s see their resistance in religious terms — or at least see an opportunit­y. Vaccineres­istant workers are sharing tips online for requesting exemptions on religious grounds; others are submitting letters from far-flung religious authoritie­s who have advertised their willingnes­s to help. The conflict was picking up steam even before President Joe Biden announced sweeping new workplace vaccine mandates Thursday. The new orders will require the vast majority of federal workers and those who work for large private employers to get vaccinated or weekly testing.

Overall, the mandates are expected to affect 100 million American workers.

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