Daily News (Los Angeles)

The so-called Republican recall of Newsom and his bullet train to nowhere

- — Richard Bulot, San Pedro — Al Kholos, Winnetka — Pamela Franklin, Granada Hills — Janice Smalley, Castaic — Bill Freeman, Canoga Park

Seems a letter on Sept. 9, “Recall status and GOP paragons of penny-pinch,” sent to the newspaper is critical of the $276 million of taxpayers’ money being spent on the recall by Republican­s.

Yet the author ignores the billions of taxpayer dollars being wasted by Democrats on the bullet train. On the same page the newspaper’s editorial states that: The current plan for the Bakersfiel­d to Merced segment can be completed in four or five years for $22.8 billion.

The bullet train blunders

Re “Stop the bullet train in its lousy tracks” (Sept. 9):

Does anyone else recall Gavin Newsom’s very first speech as governor? In it, he seemed to promise to shut down the bullet train blunder.

Then a day or so later, he hedged and he changed his tune, suggesting that it be “scaled back.” It was clear to me that he got several calls from the vested interests who stood to make millions or billions: the constructi­on unions, the various engineerin­g concerns and the builders themselves. Newsom loves to present himself as a courageous, forward-thinking California hero, who might someday be the president of the United States. He’s been a flop and failure. The cash sinkhole known as the bullet train is just one more reason to recall him.

VP Harris rally’s for Gov. Newsom in California

Re “Harris home to support Gov. Newsom” (Sept. 9):

Kamala Harris rallied for Newsom and praised his leadership. Biden is next on the list to come to California to rally for Newsom. Mr. President, you will be just a few hours away from the crisis on our southern border. How about a visit to see for yourself what is going on? Hard fact: We the people were in lockdown while Newsom was dining at the most expensive restaurant in Napa and no less with quite a party in tow.

Hard fact: Newsom has done nothing but invite the homeless to California and they are here in abundance. San Francisco is probably one of the worst cities now with excrement, syringes and filth in the streets and parks. Hard fact: The forests should have had all the dead wood removed and it would have helped the spread of fires. Larry Elder is giving positive outlooks to bring California back again as so many people have fled the state.

Meanwhile Newsom is not giving any solutions but rather attacking Elder on personal levels. Wake up California while there is still a chance to save this California­n dream. Let your voices be heard.

Attack on Larry Elder

Replacing Governor Newsom by impeachmen­t is not an easy task for an “outsider” as he was declared by a newsman. Not only did the L.A.

Times demean Larry Elder, so did a gorilla-masked person disparage him Wednesday at a rally. Not only did she disparage him, she slugged a staffer.

And all of our illustriou­s media did not say a word of condemnati­on. Eggs were even thrown at him.

If I were the governor of the state where this activity occurred, against a fellow American, who is a man of “color” running for office, I would speak up against man’s inhumanity to man.

If I were the first woman of “color” vice president of the United States, visiting California on that day, I would have shouted from the rooftops, “Stop the prejudice, fellow Americans.”

School choice debate is like a public pool vs. the country club pool

Re “Myart-Cruz makes case for school choice” (Sept. 7):

I don’t understand the whole debate over school choice. It seems to me that parents already have school choice: Parents can send their kid to public school for free or they can send their kid to private or religious school, for hundreds or thousands of dollars.

But taxpayers aren’t going to pay for that school choice. It’s like pool choice: You can swim at the community pool for free or you can join a country club for hundreds or thousands of dollars and swim there.

But taxpayers aren’t going to pay for that pool choice.


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