Daily News (Los Angeles)

Alleged planner awaits trial

Critics say the terrorism case against Khalid Shaikh Mohammed is a failure

- By Larry Neumeister, Jennifer Peltz and Carrie Antlfinger

Hours before dawn on March 1, 2003, the U.S. scored its most thrilling victory yet against the plotters of the Sept. 11 attacks — the capture of a disheveled Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, hauled away by intelligen­ce agents from a hideout in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

The global manhunt for al-Qaida's No. 3 leader had taken 18 months. But America's attempt to bring him to justice, in a legal sense, has taken much, much longer. Critics say it has become one of the war on terrorism's greatest failures.

As Sunday's 21st anniversar­y of the terror attacks approaches, Mohammed and four other men accused of 9/11-related crimes still sit in a U.S. detention center in Guantánamo Bay, their planned trials before a military tribunal endlessly postponed.

The latest setback came last month when pretrial hearings scheduled for early fall were canceled. The delay was one more in a string of disappoint­ments for relatives of the nearly 3,000 victims of the attack. They've long hoped that a trial would bring closure and perhaps resolve unanswered questions.

“Now, I'm not sure what's going to happen,” said Gordon Haberman, whose 25-year-old daughter Andrea died after a hijacked plane crashed into the the World Trade Center, a floor above her office.

He's traveled to Guantánamo four times from his home in West Bend, Wis., to watch the legal proceeding­s in person, only to leave frustrated.

“It's important to me that America finally gets to the truth about what happened, how it was done,” said Haberman. “I personally

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in Guantánamo Bay prison in Cuba in 2017.

want to see this go to trial.”

If convicted at trial, Mohammed could face the death penalty.

When asked about the case, James Connell, an attorney for one of Mohammed's co-defendants — one accused of transferri­ng money to 9/11 attackers — confirmed reports both sides are still “attempting to reach a pretrial agreement” that could still avoid a trial and result in lesser but still lengthy sentences.

David Kelley, a former U.S. attorney in New York who co-chaired the Justice Department's nationwide investigat­ion into the attacks, called the delays and failure to prosecute “an awful tragedy for the families of the victims.”

He called the effort to put Mohammed on trial before a military tribunal, rather than in the regular U.S. court system, “a tremendous failure” that was “as offensive to our Constituti­on as to our rule of law.”

“It's a tremendous blemish on the country's history,” he said.

The difficulty in holding a trial for Mohammed and other Guantánamo prisoners is partly rooted in what the U.S. did with him after his 2003 capture.

Mohammed and his co-defendants were initially held in secret prisons abroad. Hungry for informatio­n that might lead to the capture of other alQaida figures, CIA operatives subjected them to enhanced interrogat­ion techniques that were tantamount to torture, human rights groups say. Mohammed was waterboard­ed — made to feel that he was drowning — 183 times.

A Senate investigat­ion later concluded the interrogat­ions didn't lead to any valuable intelligen­ce. But it has sparked endless pretrial litigation over whether FBI reports on their statements can be used against them — a process not subject to speedy trial rules used in civilian courts.

The torture allegation­s led to concerns that the U.S. might have ruined its chance to put Mohammed on trial in a civilian court.

But in 2009, President Barack Obama's administra­tion decided to try, announcing that Mohammed would be transferre­d to New York City and put on trial at a federal court in Manhattan.

“Failure is not an option,” Obama said.

But New York City balked at the cost of security and the move never came. Eventually, it was announced Mohammed would face a military tribunal. And then over a dozen years passed.

Kelley said talk of military tribunals two decades ago surprised many in the legal community who had been successful­ly prosecutin­g terrorism cases in the decade before. The concept of a tribunal, he said, “came out of the blue.”

Then-Attorney General John Ashcroft was not in favor of tribunals and had been supportive of the Manhattan federal terrorism prosecutio­ns, he said.

Now, Kelley said, with the passage of time it will be much more difficult to prosecute Mohammed in a tribunal, much less a courtroom. “Evidence goes stale, witness memories fail.”

The passage of time hasn't dulled the memories of the victims' families or dampened their interest in witnessing justice.

Eddie Bracken's sister Lucy Fishman was killed at the trade center. The New Yorker opposed Obama's proposal to move the trial to federal court — Mohammed is charged with “a military act,” and should be tried by the military, he reasoned. And while he is somewhat frustrated by the delays, he understand­s them.

“The whole world is looking at us and saying, `What are they doing after all this time?'” he said. But he realizes the case is “a process that the world is seeing, that needs to be done under a microscope. … It's up to the United States to do their due diligence, make sure it's done right.”

“The wheels of justice turn. They turn slowly, but they turn. And when the time comes, and it's said and done, the world will know what happened,” he adds.

While Mohammed has lingered at Guantánamo, the U.S. killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in a 2011 raid and deputyturn­ed-successor Ayman al-Zawahiri in a drone strike just this August.

Investigat­ors with the military commission at Guantánamo Bay said he plotted the 9/11 attacks for three years. They cited a computer hard drive seized at his arrest which they said contained photograph­s of the 19 hijackers, three letters from bin Laden and informatio­n about some hijackers.

Mohammed, at his tribunal hearing, conceded in a written statement that he swore allegiance to Osama bin Laden, that he was on al-Qaida's council and that he served as operationa­l director for bin Laden for the organizing, planning, follow-up and execution of the Sept. 11 plot “from A to Z.”


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