Daily News (Los Angeles)

Millionth organ transplant made in United States

- By Lauran Neergaard

The U.S. counted its millionth organ transplant on Friday, a milestone that comes at a critical time for Americans still desperatel­y waiting for that chance at survival.

It took decades from the first success — a kidney in 1954 — to transplant 1 million organs, and officials can't reveal if this latest was a kidney, too. But advocates opened a new campaign to speed the next million transplant­s by encouragin­g more people to register as organ donors.

Yet the nation's transplant system is at a crossroads. More people than ever are getting new organs — a record 41,356 last year alone. At the same time, critics blast the system for policies and outright mistakes that waste organs and cost lives.

The anger boiled over last month in a Senate committee hearing where lawmakers blamed the United Network for Organ Sharing, a nonprofit that holds a government contract to run the transplant system, for cumbersome organ-tracking and poor oversight.

“This is sitting on your hands while people die,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren, DMassachus­etts, told the organizati­on's chief executive as she and other senators suggested UNOS should be replaced.

UNOS continuall­y takes steps to improve organ supply and equity and won't be satisfied until everyone who needs a transplant gets one, CEO Brian Shepard responded.

Other experts say the fireworks are a distractio­n from work already underway. “Everybody would like the system to be better,” said Renee Landers, a Suffolk University health law expert who, as part of an independen­t scientific advisory panel to the government, co-authored a blueprint for change earlier this year.

That blueprint, from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineerin­g and Medicine, sets a fiveyear deadline for improving every part of the complex transplant system — including the groups that collect organs from deceased donors, transplant centers that decide which ones to use, and the government agencies that regulate both.

“Focusing on only one aspect is actually not going to achieve” that goal, Landers said. “There are so many other pieces that have to fall into place.”

In the U.S., more than 400,000 people are living with functionin­g transplant­ed organs, UNOS said Friday. For all the lives saved each year, more than 105,000 people are on the national list still waiting for a new kidney, liver, heart or other organ, and about 17 a day die waiting.

Too often potentiall­y usable organs aren't recovered from would-be donors, and too many hospitals turn down lessthan-perfect organs that might still offer a good outcome for the right patient, the National Academies found.

Kidneys are the organ most in demand, and nearly a quarter of those donated last year were discarded, refused by hospitals for many reasons.

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