Daily News (Los Angeles)

Progressiv­e candidates increasing­ly share abortion stories

- By Kimberlee Kruesi and Christine Fernando

For decades, only three people knew Gloria Johnson had had an abortion.

But a year of watching women and doctors agonize under Tennessee's strict abortion ban kicked up a fire in the longtime Democrat. She watched in dismay as her Republican colleagues in the General Assembly dismissed concerns that the law was harming women. Many GOP lawmakers argued that only on rare occasions was an abortion needed to save a life.

So without telling her legislativ­e staff or family in advance, the then-60year-old state representa­tive stood before a Republican-controlled House panel in March 2023 and testified about the abortion she had at age 21. She made the decision to have an abortion, she said, as a newly married college student after being diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm. That would likely have killed her if she did nothing, but might have harmed the baby if Johnson got the treatment she needed to save her own life.

“The reality is that we're in a situation where people act like stories like mine are one in a million when actually they happen every day,” Johnson said in a recent interview, nearly a year after her dramatic testimony.

Johnson, now running as a Democrat for the U.S. Senate against Republican incumbent Marsha Blackburn, has joined the growing ranks of progressiv­e candidates choosing to tell their own abortion stories. They are doing so more frequently in states that have banned abortion in the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court's 2022 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Democrats think that even in many strongly Republican states voters support their view that such personal choices should be left to women to make for themselves and that showing voters how hard their own decisions were will help make that case.

Recent elections suggest the fight for abortion rights may have real currency. Statewide ballot measures supporting reproducti­ve rights have won big since the high court's ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organizati­on, including in GOP stronghold­s such as Kansas and Kentucky.

Reproducti­ve rights supporters celebrated last month after Marilyn Lands won a special election in Alabama, claiming a legislativ­e seat long held by Republican­s. Alabama currently bans abortion at all stages of pregnancy, with almost no exception.

Lands made abortion rights central to her campaign, releasing a video in which she disclosed having an abortion after testing determined that her baby had a genetic disorder and could not survive.

Lands made a comparison to Alyssa Gonzales, a woman denied the same care just months after Dobbs despite having almost the same diagnosis as Lands. Gonzales traveled 10 hours out of state to Washington, D.C., to get the help she needed.

“Our media consultant did say, `Marilyn, you don't have to do this, the issue is compelling enough on its own,'” Lands said. “I think they wanted to be sure that I really was comfortabl­e with it, and I was . ... It was absolutely the right thing to do.”

For the most part, though, election victories have been slower to come for pro-choice candidates than when they are framed in a ballot measure. Measures legalizing recreation­al marijuana and Medicaid expansion also have won in conservati­ve states but have not translated into many wins for candidates supporting them.

That leaves political experts watching races such as Johnson's Tennessee Senate bid to see if telling more personal stories will make a difference.

“If these candidates continue to be successful, it'll just once again show us that people are unhappy with state abortion policies but also that abortion is a big enough deal to them that they may vote for someone they may not otherwise,” said Mary Ruth Ziegler, a law professor at the University of California, Davis.

Heather Williams, president of the Democratic Legislativ­e Campaign Committee, which works to elect Democrats to state legislatur­es, said Lands' victory was a “political earthquake in Alabama.”

“In red states, when candidates share these stories, it helps voters see there's someone championin­g the things they care about, who shares their experience­s,” she said.

While the majority of candidates and lawmakers who have shared abortion stories have been Democrats, Republican Sam Brown has chosen to revisit his wife's abortion as he vies for a U.S. Senate seat in Nevada. Earlier this year, Brown's wife talked candidly about the abortion she had before the two met. Brown said he would oppose a federal abortion ban while supporting Nevada's current law protecting the right to an abortion up to 24 weeks — roughly the standard nationally under Roe v. Wade.

Even before the right to abortion was struck down, there were hints that politician­s' personal stories could make a difference.

In Georgia, Democrat Shea Roberts first ran for the state House in 2018 but lost to Republican Deborah Silcox. In 2020, Roberts shared her abortion story while running once again and won.

Roberts started talking about her decision to terminate her nonviable pregnancy — first before small groups of voters and then at news conference­s. She said she owed her win to that decision.

“I regretted not being braver the first time around,” she said.

At the federal level, Democratic Reps. Cori Bush of Missouri, Pramila Jayapal of Washington state and Barbara Lee of California have shared their abortion stories openly since speaking about them at a House committee hearing in 2021 on abortion rights.

And as the future of Roe v. Wade hung in the balance after the Supreme Court's draft ruling leaked, Democratic Reps. Marie Newman of Illinois and Gwen Moore of Wisconsin also spoke openly about their abortions.

In Arizona, state Sen. Eva Burch told fellow lawmakers from the Senate floor last month that she was going to get an abortion because her pregnancy was no longer viable.

Burch criticized Arizona's restrictio­ns as out of touch, saying state law requires an ultrasound that her doctor did not order. She also said she was given bad informatio­n about alternativ­e treatments.

“I think a lot of people wish they could tell their story, but either they don't have the platform or they don't want to and they shouldn't have to,” Burch said later.

 ?? GEORGE WALKER — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? State Rep. Gloria Johnson, D-Knoxville, responds to questions in her office March 27in Nashville, Tenn.
GEORGE WALKER — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS State Rep. Gloria Johnson, D-Knoxville, responds to questions in her office March 27in Nashville, Tenn.

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