Daily Press (Sunday)

GOP worries Trump is unprepared

A ‘blue wave’ in the House could sweep over White House

- By Anita Kumar McClatchy Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON — Republican­s who support President Donald Trump have grown fearful that the White House is unprepared for the onslaught that may await them in January.

If a “blue wave” succeeds in giving the Democrats control of at least the House of Representa­tives in the midterm elections in November, Democrats will have the power to subpoena documents and force administra­tion officials to testify about a slew of scandals, including aides using private email for government business, agencies spending taxpayer money at Trump resorts and sexual assault allegation­s involving his recent Supreme Court appointmen­t, Brett Kavanaugh.

Five Republican­s with close ties to the White House said that instead of preparing for what could be a years-long attack by a newly emboldened Democratic-run Congress, Trump aides are wasting time trying to respond to non-stop c o n t rove r s i e s, Tr u mp tweets and the investigat­ion into Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election.

Most spoke on condition of anonymity to speak freely.

“You have to take it seriously. It’s going to be all-out warfare,” said Scott Jennings, who was subpoenaed by the Senate when he worked for Republican George W. Bush and the Democrats took control of Congress. “It grinds the administra­tion to a halt.”

The White House should be hiring more staff to handle the congressio­nal inquiries, advising administra­tion officials to retain their own attorneys and researchin­g potential areas of vulnerabil­ities, ranging from the death of four U.S. soldiers in Africa to the sluggish response to Hurricane Maria, according to people who worked for Presidents Bill Clinton, Bush and Barack Obama, all presidents who faced an opposition-party Congress after midterm elections.

And the White House should warn individual agencies — which have engaged in lavish spending and contentiou­s policies, such as separating immigrant children from their parents — to do the same.

The White House would not respond to an inquiry about how many staff it had working in the White House counsel’s office, in the press operation or in legislativ­e affairs.

“It’s the beginning of a nightmare,” said an exTrump adviser who remains close to the White House and is familiar with the process. “The harassment, the hearings, the requests.”

One investigat­ion will lead to another — and another, thrusting Trump into a new phase of his presidency. He will no longer be able to govern. He will just have to try to survive, according to the aides to former presidents.

That’s why Republican­s had urged Trump to tap Emmet Flood, who served as Bush’s lead lawyer in responding to congressio­nal investigat­ions, as White House counsel in the wake of Don McGahn, whose l a st d ay wa s Wednesday. Flood, who returned to the White House in the spring to represent Trump in the Russia inquiry, would have been likely to attract other muchneeded lawyers.

“They are having trouble getting lawyers in because Trump shoots his mouth off and expects personal loyalty,” said Richard Painter, who worked in Bush’s White House counsel’s office and ran unsuccessf­ully for Senate as a Democrat this year. “He’s an impossible client.”

But Trump may have taken the advice of others who wanted Flood to remain focused on the Russia investigat­ion when he picked Washington lawyer Pat Cipollone, who worked in the Bush Justice Department, to replace McGahn.

As the midterm elections loom, the White House is short-staffed and unprepared.

The White House counsel’s office, which traditiona­lly takes the lead role in responding to congressio­nal inquires, is preoccupie­d with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion into whether Trump aides helped Russia interfere in the 2016 campaign.

The White House Office of Legislativ­e Affairs, which just got a new director, has been focused on the Senate confirmati­on for Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

And the depleted White House communicat­ions staff, which includes a research team, is spending its time fact-checking Trump’s statements and then finding a way to explain what he said.

“From a communicat­ions perspectiv­e, the White House is completely unprepared for the onslaught it will face if the House flips,” a former official in the Trump White

House said. “Democrats are lining up potential investigat­ions by the dozens and the commu n i c a t i o n s shop in the White House is a ghost town. Democrats will get free hit after free hit. There’s no rapid response operation — nothing.”

Republican­s on Capitol Hill have protected the Trump White House from serious investigat­ions, which is not unusual when the White House and Congress are controlled by the same party.

But Republican­s are fighting to hold on to their majorities in Congress in the midterm elections when the president’s party traditiona­lly loses ground.

Democrats need to pick up a net of 23 seats in the House, which polls show they are likely to get, and two in the Senate, which is less likely, to gain control of both chambers.

In the nation’s capital, political strategist­s talk endl e s s l y a b o u t wh e t h e r Democrats, if they win control of Congress, will try to impeach Trump to pursue the possibilit­y of removing him from office.

But less attention is paid to the much likelier outcome — the investigat­ions — which is the one thing Democrats can agree on.

Democrats want to investigat­e the firing of FBI Director James Comey, whether aides handling the nation’s secrets have the appropriat­e security clearances and the decision to add a citizenshi­p question to the 2020 Census.

They want to look further into whether Trump aides helped Russia interfere in the 2016 campaign, including what role, if any, the NRA played.

And they want to examine Trump’s tax returns and study whether he is violating the Constituti­on by doing business with foreign government­s.

Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the top Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has criticized Republican­s for failing to subpoena documents from the White House in dozens of inquiries when the White House has failed to comply.

“The waste, fraud, and abuse is plain to see,” Cummings said, “and the most important thing for the Oversight Committee to do is to use its authority to obtain documents and witnesses, and actually hold the Trump administra­tion accountabl­e to the American people.”

But it won’t just be the House and Senate oversight committees. Every House and Senate committee is likely to launch a probe into one issue or another.

Most staffers in the Trump White House have never worked for government before and don’t know what to expect, the Republican­s close to the White House say.

“I don’t think they have any sense of what they are in for,” said Jennifer Palmieri, who worked in the Obama and Clinton White Houses. — former Trump White House official

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OLIVIER DOULIERY/TNS The White House is said to be unprepared for a Democratic majority in the House.
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