Daily Press (Sunday)



Editors’ Note: This editorial was published Jan. 13 in The VirginianP­ilot.

The U.S. Supreme Court has confirmed that thousands of Virginia residents, particular­ly those in Hampton Roads, can expect to see substantia­l changes coming to the legislativ­e districts that now determine their representa­tion in the General Assembly.

The justices declined to grant a stay in a case that challenged the constituti­onality of 11 House districts, six of which are located in the Tidewater region. House Republican­s, who drew the districts, had asked the court to put on temporary the redrawing of those boundaries pending an appeal.

This represents the latest developmen­t in a debate over representa­tion that began in 2011, when the General Assembly approved maps for the state House, state Senate and U.S. House districts. In the years since, the districts have faced numerous legal challenges, arguing they were drawn in ways that inhibit minority representa­tion or maximize partisan advantage.

Last summer, a panel of judges from the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia concluded the 11 House districts were racially gerrymande­red, engineered to concentrat­e black voters and thereby violating those voters’ constituti­onal right to equal representa­tion.

The judicial panel ordered that the districts be redrawn, an effort that will inevitably affect adjacent districts. The General Assembly, charged with that duty, was unable to reach agreement, leading to the appointmen­t of Bernard Grofman, a political scientist at the University of California at Irvine, as “special master” to oversee the redistrict­ing process.

In December, Grofman released a 131-page proposal for drawing new districts — the action Republican­s sought to stop with the appeal turned aside by the Supreme Court this week. All told, as many as 26 House districts in Hampton Roads and the Richmond area could be significan­tly altered when the new maps are put in place.

If that strikes Virginians as a convoluted, haphazard and rather undemocrat­ic process ... well, it probably should.

Lawmakers, elected by the people of the commonweal­th, are tasked with the drawing of district lines and determinin­g who representa­tion should be fairly distribute­d. Surely the birthplace of Washington, Jefferson and Madison shouldn’t need the services of a California professor to do so in a manner that comports with the Constituti­on.

Trouble is, the honorable men and women who populate the assembly continue to prove entirely untrustwor­thy when it comes to carrying this particular duty. Every 10 years, following the decennial census, they gather away from the public’s prying eyes to draft maps that serve themselves, not Virginia’s best interests.

This includes drawing lines that protect those in power, that marginaliz­e minority voters, that divide communitie­s or regions, that maximize partisan advantage or otherwise subvert the democratic process toward personal and political gain.

With steady advances in software that uses statistica­l data to aid in creating those maps, parties can draw lines that produce districts that deliver specific electoral outcomes. It’s not quite election-rigging, but it certainly means that the playing field isn’t level when voters head to the polls.

Ultimately the process sees officials selecting their constituen­ts, rather than the other way around.

By drawing “safe” districts, it discourage­s participat­ion in elections, because why should citizens vote when the outcome is preordaine­d? And it deters cooperatio­n in lawmaking, since officials are more likely to be punished by ideologica­l partisans for compromisi­ng. Ask former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor about that.

Virginia Republican­s were in power when last Richmond carried out this task, but they did their work with the complicity of some Democratic officehold­ers in the U.S. House, who capitulate­d in order to protect their seats.

And had Democrats been in the catbird seat, rest assured they too would have leveraged the opportunit­y to the fullest as their opponents did. History shows their eagerness to do so when they held sway in the legislatur­e.

What’s needed is comprehens­ive, institutio­nal reform that puts specific guidelines on the process and removes it from partisan influence, recognizin­g that’s the best way to ensure more accurate and equitable representa­tion for all Virginians.

Fortunatel­y, there’s a proposal in Richmond to accomplish just that.

In November, the nonpartisa­n, grassroots OneVirgini­a2021, a redistrict­ing reform advocacy group, put forth a constituti­onal amendment that would accomplish most of those goals. It would create a process for selecting an independen­t commission, in which would be vested responsibi­lity for producing the legislativ­e maps.

It also sets forth specific requiremen­ts for drawing districts, to protect the rights of citizens but also to try to create geographic cohesion with each district. It discourage­s the division of communitie­s as far as is practical, and seeks to respect natural boundaries, such as waterways.

The measure has the support of numerous former lawmakers, officials and scholars from across the partisan spectrum, as well as that of Democrats in the legislatur­e and Gov. Ralph Northam. Republican­s have been more noncommitt­al but there are plenty in GOP who recognize the benefit of a more transparen­t, independen­t system in Virginia.

The wild card, for now, is the lawsuits winding their way through the court system, not only those emerging from Virginia but those affecting neighborin­g Maryland and North Carolina as well.

The Republican appeal to the decision that Virginia’s House districts constitute a racial gerrymande­r is the most important case affecting the commonweal­th. But lawsuits challengin­g Maryland and North Carolina districts as being excessivel­y partisan will resonate here as well.

Some legal scholars have speculated the U.S. Supreme Court could decide in this term the constituti­onality of independen­t redistrict­ing commission­s, such as the one proposed in this amendment. But Virginia cannot afford to put its progress on hold to wait for that decision.

No, the time for redistrict­ing reform is now. Lawmakers should pass this amendment and impart more transparen­cy, accountabi­lity and fairness into this process, ensuring better and more accurate representa­tion for citizens across the commonweal­th.

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