Daily Press (Sunday)


- By Jessica Nolte Staff writer Jessica Nolte, 757-247-4513, jnolte@dailypress.com

COVIDCheck asks a series of questions about individual’s demographi­cs and symptoms before recommendi­ng next steps.

COVIDCheck can help identify those at risk, recommend next steps

Gov. Ralph Northam announced a free online service Friday to help Virginians self-screen for the coronaviru­s.

COVIDCheck asks a series of questions about the individual’s demographi­cs and symptoms before recommendi­ng next steps, such as selfisolat­ion, seeing a doctor or seeking emergency care.

“If you are feeling sick or think you may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, it is important that you take action right away,” Northam said.

COVIDCheck should not be used in place of emergency care, but it can help identify users who are at a higher risk for COVID-19 and help them locate a testing site.

“As we work to flatten the curve in our Commonweal­th, telehealth services like this will be vital to relieving some of the strains on providers and health systems and making health care more convenient and accessible,” Northam said in a news release.

The service initially asks people whether they’re experienci­ng chills, cough, fever, sore throat or difficulty getting air and how long they’ve been experienci­ng their symptoms. It asks follow-up questions about a series of related symptoms before making a recommenda­tion.

It does not require people to provide their names or contact informatio­n before making a recommenda­tion.

If COVIDCheck recommends contacting a medical profession­al, it asks the user to submit their insurance provider and ZIP code to provide a list of resources in the area.

The service, which was developed by Bouy Health, also gives users the option of submitting their contact informatio­n so the service can checkin after three days.

COVIDCheck is available on the Virginia Department of Health’s website h t t p s : // www.vd h . v i rg i n i a . g o v/c o ro n a virus/covidcheck/.

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