Daily Press (Sunday)

Snail mail brings cheer to all

- Send questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@creators.com

Dear Annie: My young adult daughter recently had a milestone birthday, so I asked friends and family to send a birthday card to her. She received many cards. I was very grateful to the people who sent them.

She sent every one of the people she received a card from a thank-you note, saying how much the card meant to her. I feel like I raised my daughter right, with good manners.

So, just wanted to say: Send a card to someone you love. They will truly appreciate it. And if you receive a card, tell them thank you for thinking of you. Let’s support each other.

— Observatio­n

Dear Observatio­n: I love the idea of brightenin­g someone’s day with a card. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is wasted.

Dear Annie: My oldest son and I always had a close relationsh­ip. I was a single parent since he was 11.

Once he married and had children, he became quite distant and overprotec­tive of his children.

I hardly know his kids, and yet I am close and in frequent contact with my daughter and her family.

His girls are 1 and 5. I have only babysat the 5-year-old for two hours once at their home. He says he doesn’t trust that I will follow all his instructio­ns to the letter with the kids.

What can I do to improve this and to understand? — Coping With a Changed Son

Dear Coping: You don’t know what is going on behind the closed doors of your son’s marriage. His lack of trust in your ability to follow his rules and instructio­ns shows incredible rigidity.

Just continue to be kind and appreciate the time you do get to spend with them.

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