Daily Press (Sunday)

word sleuth U.S. WOMEN IN SPACE

- Dr. Jann Blackstone is the author of “Ex-Etiquette for Parents: Good Behavior After Divorce or Separation.” drjannblac­kstone@gmail.com

Dear Dr. Blackstone: I moved out of state after my divorce. My ex and I had our difference­s, but made a pact to not air them in front of the kids even though they were all well into adulthood by the time we got a divorce.

For years, when I came into town, we often had dinner together with our adult children and their significan­t others. Then he started dating a woman who forbid him from attending the occasional dinner when I came into town. So, I just had dinner with the kids and left it at that. The kids are angry. They think his girlfriend should butt out and let him do what he wants. I have no opinion on the subject. Just wondering what’s good ex-etiquette?

Dear Reader: Not everyone can handle the “let’s all be friends” approach to divorce, but it sounds like you were all on that page until the new girlfriend arrived.

That’s dangerous place to be because she’s placing herself on the outs, pitting herself against family members, and fighting something that was comfortabl­y in place before she arrived. So, what’s good ex-etiquette? This doesn’t sound like it’s your problem. The problem players are primarily your ex and his girlfriend — and the sub players are the kids. If they want to tell their dad how they feel, plus ask him to establish some boundaries with his girlfriend, that’s between them.

My suggestion to you is to let everyone know you are coming into town, invite them all to dinner, and celebrate with whoever shows up. In closing, playing mediator is bound to backfire. Let your family members work this out themselves. Or, if they need a third party to help them untie the family threads, find a therapist.

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