Daily Press (Sunday)

Need a new year’s resolution that you’ll actually keep? Drink more water

- By Connie Lin

It’s January, which means the holiday feasts of indulgence­s have passed, and it’s now time to focus on the colder, more biting part of winter: starting on the hard work to better yourself in the new year.

But here’s something to celebrate: It doesn’t have to be that hard. It could be as easy as drinking more water.

That’s according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which just published a study in The Lancet showing that adults who stay well-hydrated seem to be healthier — and live longer — than those who don’t.

Specifical­ly, they develop fewer chronic conditions, such as heart and lung disease. That’s coming from the NIH’s National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute division.

In a sprawling study that tracked 11,255 adults over a 30-year period, researcher­s found that adults with lower serum sodium levels (a measure of how much sodium is in your blood, which goes down when you drink more water) were less likely to show signs of advanced biological aging or dying at a younger age. (“Biological aging” was determined by a confluence of factors, including cholestero­l, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.) In other words, enough water might just be the fountain of youth.

“The results suggest that proper hydration may slow down aging and prolong a disease-free life,” study author Natalia Dmitrieva, a researcher in the NIH’s Laboratory of Cardiovasc­ular Regenerati­ve Medicine, said in a statement.

Past studies have drawn links between high serum sodium levels (present in dehydrated people) and heightened risk of heart failure and heart disease.

Now, this new study expands that risk of ills to include artery disease, stroke, lung disease, diabetes and dementia, to which patients were up to 64% more likely to fall victim.


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