Daily Press (Sunday)

Sitter an unwilling host to block party

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Adapted from an online discussion.

Dear Carolyn: I’m houseand pet-sitting this month for a close relative. They have a pleasant house and a pool. I know they are generous with neighbors as far as the use of the pool goes.

However, I didn’t think I’d be living in a public facility for three weeks. The 40-something neighbors have taken to coming and going as they please, and even treat me like an interloper, instructin­g me in the use of pool equipment, how and when I should lock gates, etc.

I just received a text informing me that some of them will be coming at 5 p.m. to “hang out.” I just want to chill alone and use the pool. My relative will be mortified (and possibly angry) if I text back telling them I prefer privacy until she returns but I’m so angry. Dare I send that text? — Fed-Up Housesitte­r

Dear Fed-Up Housesitte­r:

Send it. “I will be using the pool at 5.” If you want, “You’re welcome to come at ___.” Assert yourself, civilly but without apology.

Re: Housesitte­r: The homeowner should have told the neighbors that the pool and yard would be off-limits while they are gone. What if someone got hurt? — Anonymous

Dear Anonymous: feels right, thanks.This

One week later …

Hi Carolyn: I have an ironic update for you.

Before I could send the text last Friday warding off the neighbors, I glanced out and to my vast irritation, two women already were serenely floating in the pool, like they owned the joint. Coolers and snack bags on the pool deck, Bluetooth speaker blasting their music.

I took the dogs out and admittedly was pretty hostile; I gave curt one-word answers to their attempts at conversati­on, pointedly asked them to replace things when they leave, and otherwise was unfriendly and unwelcomin­g.

Well, karma got me.

The next day a frail, elderly rescue dog became very ill. I let my relative, the owner, know, and soon Pool Invader No. 1 barreled in the unlocked front door, having been called by my relative, who figured I’d need a driver, which I did.

Invader was already on the phone to the animal ER, informing them we were en route, and her SUV was idling in the driveway. AWKWARD. We ended up spending more than three hours stuck together in a tiny exam room, making occasional conversati­on. I was cringing at having to accept help from someone I’d been very rude to.

The next day my relative said, “Never hesitate to tell my neighbors you don’t want visitors at the pool area.” The dog seems to be OK. — Fed-Up Housesitte­r again

Dear Fed-Up Housesitte­r again:

As long as the dog is OK — I mean, it reads like a long, sitcommy PSA for establishi­ng terms upfront, welcoming karma graciously (ahem), and voicing your limits kindly before you’re shaking with suppressed fury. Thanks for catching us up.

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