Daily Press (Sunday)

Towing fees rise in Virginia Beach

- By Stacy Parker

VIRGINIA BEACH — Before you park in Virginia Beach, pay attention to the signs or you could face a stiff fine.

Towing increased.

The City Council agreed to ratchet up towing rates last week in a 9-2 vote. Members Chris Taylor and Sabrina Wooten voted against it.

Most cars will now cost $200 to retrieve, a $55 increase. Storage fees for vehicles in tow yards has also gone up from $25 a day to $60 per day after the first 24 hours.

The maximum towing fine increases by weight, and it applies to unauthoriz­ed vehicles in private and

fees have public lots.

State law allows localities to set limits on towing fees. The city hasn’t changed its rates in 10 years.

The local towing industry recently asked for help to offset the rising cost of operations, according to the city.

Proposed changes first came before the City Council in June, based on recommenda­tions from the city’s Towing Advisory Board, which is comprised of an advocate for towing businesses, Bradley Volner; a representa­tive from the police department, Douglas Reader; and a citizen, John Drescher.

A draft provision would have automatica­lly increased the rate in subsequent years but that was removed at the request of council members.

The City Council will be able to review the towing fees in two years before deciding whether to increase them again.

Before the vote, Councilman Michael Berlucchi said he has concerns about the financial burden of towing fees but also understand­s the need to remove vehicles that are parked illegally or block access.

“We have a dual role,” Berlucchi said. “We have to ensure that we have an industry that can come and get those vehicles, but we also at the same time have to ensure we have some protection­s.”

He asked city staff to provide a report soon on best practices regarding consumer protection­s in towing.

Stacy Parker, 757-222-5125, stacy.parker @pilotonlin­e.com

 ?? STEPHEN M. KATZ/STAFF ?? Before the city council voted last week to raise towing fees, they had remained the same for 10 years.
STEPHEN M. KATZ/STAFF Before the city council voted last week to raise towing fees, they had remained the same for 10 years.

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