Daily Press (Sunday)

Virginia family sues school system for $30M

Suit stems from sexual assault in a girls bathroom


ALEXANDRIA — A teenager and her parents filed a $30 million lawsuit against a northern Virginia school system, saying the district failed to adequately investigat­e and tried to cover up her sexual assault by a male student in a high school bathroom.

The details of the 2021 assault — the attacker was wearing a skirt in a girls bathroom — made it a flashpoint in the national debate over allowing transgende­r students to use bathrooms, play sports and go by names and gender pronouns that reflect their gender identity.

Still, the assaults appear to have little to do with the attacker’s gender identity, according to documents filed with the family’s lawsuit. Teachers say he preferred and requested male pronouns, according to a report by a law firm that investigat­ed the assault.

The sexual assault in May was one of two committed by the same student in the school system. The second occurred at another high school in October 2021. The attacker, who was 15 at the time, has been convicted as a juvenile for both crimes.

The family alleges that because Loudoun County Public Schools was considerin­g a new bathroom policy for transgende­r students when the assault took place, the superinten­dent lied to the public to cover up what occurred.

The victim “struggled academical­ly, emotionall­y and physically for the remainder of the school year” and “continues to struggle significan­tly,” according to the complaint filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court.

Dan Adams, a spokespers­on for the school system in the wealthy Washington suburbs, said it does not comment on pending legal matters. The Associated Press is not naming the boy or the girls because it generally doesn’t identify underage defendants or victims of sexual assault.

A law firm’s investigat­ion, requested by the school board, found “no evidence that the perpetrato­r identified as a female or that he wore a skirt or kilt in an effort to gain access to the girls’ bathrooms.”

A policy that expanded

access for transgende­r students to school facilities was not in place at the time of the assault.

The attacker and his victim had agreed to meet in a Stone Bridge High School bathroom before the May assault, according to an investigat­ion by a Loudoun County grand jury. The attack on another female student that October occurred in an empty classroom at Broad Run High School, according to the grand jury report.

Following the May assault, the attacker was charged and barred by court order from returning to Stone Bridge. Administra­tors then transferre­d him to nearby Broad Run High School.

The report said teachers at both schools warned administra­tors of the student’s disturbing conduct weeks before each assault. Even his grandmothe­r warned the student’s probation officer and called him a “sociopath,” according to the report.

The report accused the

school system superinten­dent, Scott Ziegler, of lying about the May assault at a school board meeting in June 2021.

As the school board debated policies governing transgende­r students and whether they can use the restroom of their preference, a school board member asked Ziegler if the schools had a problem with sexual assaults occurring in bathrooms. He responded that “to my knowledge we don’t have any record of assaults in our restrooms.” But emails show that Ziegler had been informed of the Stone Bridge assault and sent an email to board members about it.

Ziegler later said he misunderst­ood the question. He was later fired by the school board and faces trial on a misdemeano­r charge of false publicatio­n, which relates to his statements during the school board meeting. He was eventually replaced by former Virginia Beach superinten­dent Aaron Spence.

 ?? MATTHEW BARAKAT/AP ?? The 2021 assault became a flashpoint in the national debate over allowing transgende­r students to use bathrooms. Here, students in McLean walk out of classes in protest of policies for trans students.
MATTHEW BARAKAT/AP The 2021 assault became a flashpoint in the national debate over allowing transgende­r students to use bathrooms. Here, students in McLean walk out of classes in protest of policies for trans students.

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