Daily Press (Sunday)

Vote Mason

- — Martha N. Miller, Newport News

Many thanks to the Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce for sponsoring the senatorial debate on Sept. 19. I was very encouraged by the standing room only crowd, however, I hope that many others will do their homework and understand what each of the candidates actually stand for.

The difference­s between state Sen. Monty Mason and Danny Diggs are significan­t.

I was appalled at the lack of understand­ing that Diggs displayed during the debate. Instead of telling the voters in detail what he stood for, Diggs used many opportunit­ies to criticize his opponent.

Diggs wants to cut taxes, a nice idea, but he didn’t tell us what roads wouldn’t be built or services would not be delivered as a result.

Mason explained the use of taxes for roads, the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel expansion project; energy solutions; etc.

Diggs is big on “parents’ rights.” The problem is, parents currently have all the rights they need to decide what their child will learn or be exposed to.

Women, with Diggs in office, he will see to it that the laws are changed, diminishin­g your personal rights to decide issues related to your health.

When debate-goers questioned Diggs, it was obvious that he had no idea of the nuances of lawmaking.

Those of you displaying those yard signs for Diggs, do you have any idea what he believes, or are you just satisfied because he is a Republican and is willing to follow directions from the party?

Mason has served us well and has an excellent understand­ing of his constituen­ts. Please send him back to Richmond.

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