Daily Press (Sunday)

Author, onetime refugee writes of being ‘A Man of Two Faces’

- By Carol Memmott

Just pages into his new book, Pulitzer-winning author Viet Thanh Nguyen writes about his parents being shot at their grocery store in San Jose, California. Nguyen was 9, and he recalls laughing uncontroll­ably when his older brother told him what had happened. The boy was so traumatize­d that his emotions went haywire.

That terrible event is not the beginning of “A Man of Two Faces,” subtitled “A Memoir, A History, A Memorial.” Nguyen’s life story — and that of millions of other immigrants to the U.S. — starts with the desperatio­n of the displaced and the global tendency to dehumanize refugees.

An artfully intertwine­d medley of Nguyen’s essays, lectures and interviews, “A Man of Two Faces” — longlisted for the National Book Award for nonfiction — is an innovative expose of the racism that shackles refugees of color to harmful stereotype­s.

He discusses how Hollywood loved the idea of making movies about World War II’s refugees. Recent refugees, he writes with brutal honesty, might also be desirable fodder for movies: “Divided families! Impossible odds! Heartwarmi­ng stories of reunion and success!” The only problem with many current refugees, in Hollywood’s eyes: “You. Are. Not. White.”

Through the lens of the history of Vietnam, where Nguyen was born, he uses his family’s story to explain why refugees flee their homelands and how they’re forced to carry the burden of being “model minorities,” always struggling with how to blend their native cultures with life in their new home.

Nguyen recalls at age 11 viewing “Apocalypse Now” and watching as American soldiers randomly murder “jabbering, incomprehe­nsible Vietnamese.” After one scene in which yet another innocent woman was murdered, Nguyen says he felt split in two and asked himself: “Are you the Americans killing? Or the Vietnamese being killed?”

Not everything in the book is dire and grim. He writes about his loving, hard-working parents, about his

Harvard-educated brother, and his own journey to winning the Pulitzer Prize in 2016 for “The Sympathize­r,” a novel about a halfFrench, half-Vietnamese double agent living in Los Angeles. He writes with heart about his children, return visits to Vietnam and his parents’ legacy.

Nguyen further embeds us in his life and history by sprinkling throughout the book touching black-and white photos of him with his parents and brother, reminding us further that his family is as real and deserving of respect as anyone’s. “A Man of Two Faces” is a provocativ­e and dynamic family portrait of America’s immigrants, shining a light on the humanity too few of us see.

 ?? ?? ‘A MAN OF
By Viet Thanh Nguyen;
Grove Press. 400 pages. $28.
Carol Memmott, a writer in Austin, Texas, reviewed “A Man of Two Faces” for the Star Tribune (Minneapoli­s).
‘A MAN OF TWO FACES’ By Viet Thanh Nguyen; Grove Press. 400 pages. $28. Carol Memmott, a writer in Austin, Texas, reviewed “A Man of Two Faces” for the Star Tribune (Minneapoli­s).
 ?? HANS GUTKNECHT/LOS ANGELES DAILY NEWS ?? In his book, Pulitzer Prize winner Viet Thanh Nguyen examines the double bind that many immigrants find themselves in.
HANS GUTKNECHT/LOS ANGELES DAILY NEWS In his book, Pulitzer Prize winner Viet Thanh Nguyen examines the double bind that many immigrants find themselves in.

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