Daily Press (Sunday)

On the hunt for bright socks

- Ellen Warren Answer Angel Send your questions, rants, tips, favorite finds — on style, shopping, makeup, fashion and beauty — to answerange­lellen@gmail. com.

Dear Answer Angel Ellen: I still have to wear a suit to work. (How retro!) I think you suggested to stand out a little we who are stuck with this “work uniform” could wear distinctiv­e socks. Yes, plenty of socks are on the market featuring dogs, fishing lures, marijuana leaves (uh, I don’t think so) and stuff like that. But where to find bright ones? I favor solids or colorful stripes. And I mean standout, unexpected colors like red or purple. I’m surprised that all I can find in stores or even online are black, brown, navy, gray. Yawn. Need your help.

— Tim W.

Dear Tim (and women too):

Uniqlo (uniqlo.com) sells unisex cotton blend socks in 50 colors! Check out pink, purple, gold and more shades of blue than I can count. And they are only $4.90 a pair.

Also, I’ve had good luck finding higher-end Italian and French wool socks in bright stripes at Nordstrom (nordstrom. com) and Nordstrom Rack (nordstromr­ack.com). Of course, for those who prefer the more convention­al socks, Uniqlo, Nordstrom and Nordstrom Rack also carry the routine colors too.

And it never hurts to stroll by the sock racks (usually against the wall) at discounter­s like T.J. Maxx (tjmaxx.tjx.com) and Marshalls (marshalls. com). You will have better luck at the actual stores than their websites.

I am tired of having to travel with a sweatshirt or other bulky wrap. I need something

Dear Answer Angel Ellen:

that won’t take up much room in my backpack or carry-on, will keep me warm on an ice-cold plane and can be used as a wrap in cooler weather too. My go-to used to be a black cashmere sweater, but it is easy to leave behind, or gets chewed up by my backpack zipper when I carelessly close it. I’ve lost two of them in my travels. Also my office temperatur­e is out of control so whatever you suggest I need to be able to use it at work too.

— Kerry G.

I know exactly what you need because I own several. It is a “vinyasa scarf,” also known as a “customizab­le snap scarf ” from Lululemon. Basically, this is a soft, nylon/lycra item with snaps at both ends. It can be used as a throw/ blanket, an infinity scarf, a neck/head wrap and lots more. It is super versatile, washes great and takes up very little packing space.

Like so many products we love, the new ones are scarce. But, plenty of gently used ones are for sale on etsy.com and poshmark.com in black, other neutrals and colors for $20 and up.

The size is 5-by-2 feet (about the dimensions of an ample beach towel), which should work well for your needs.

Dear Kerry:

Angelic readers 1

From Margaret A.: “A smart shopper I know says don’t give up if you try on clothes, even shoes, that are close, but don’t quite fit, either too small or too big. Try on another of the same item, same size and sometimes the fit is better. There is often variety in the cut in the same garment in the same size. Her husband is in fabric manufactur­ing, so she knows different shifts and different days can alter products. It doesn’t always work, but she finds it has worked for her about 40% of the time.”

Angelic readers 2

Lucy D.: “For your reader Liz M., who is looking for ideas to draw the eye away from her neck wrinkles, I think a buttondown shirt with an open, standup collar together with an eye-catching necklace worn a little higher up on the neck can redirect the eye. And a not-too-short hairstyle can help too.” Sue S. also favors a collared shirt with a V-neckline and laments “that there are so few clothing items for women that have collars.”

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 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? Uniqlo (uniqlo.com) sells unisex cotton blend socks in 50 colors.
DREAMSTIME Uniqlo (uniqlo.com) sells unisex cotton blend socks in 50 colors.

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