Daily Press (Sunday)

Second inmate in deadly prison break sentenced to death

4 killed during 2017 escape attempt in Elizabeth City

- By Kari Pugh

A second man convicted in a deadly 2017 prison break in northeaste­rn North Carolina was sentenced to death.

Following a nearly month-long jury trial in Dare County, a judge handed down the penalty Thursday against Wisezah Buckman, 36, who was charged with the murders of four Pasquotank Correction­al Institute workers in a failed escape attempt in Elizabeth City on Oct. 12, 2017. The jury recommende­d the death sentence in three of those killings, and a life sentence in the fourth.

Buckman is the second of four inmates to face trial for the deaths of correction­al officers Justin Smith and Wendy Shannon, Correction Enterprise­s manager Veronica Darden and mechanic Geoffrey Howe.

On Oct. 19, a jury convicted Buckman of the four counts of first-degree murder, one count of attempted first-degree murder, five counts of felonious assault with intent to kill, burning a public building, felony inciting to riot, and escape from a state prison,

according to the Daily Advance in Elizabeth City.

On Thursday, the jury deliberate­d more than five hours before recommendi­ng death in the killings of Shannon, Smith and Howe. Jurors recommende­d life in prison without the possibilit­y of parole for the murder of Darden.

At the time of his escape attempt, Buckman was serving a 32-year sentence for second-degree murder, according to the North Carolina Department of Adult Correction website.

The riot took place in the prison’s sewing plant

and began with inmates setting a fire. The prisoners then attacked employees with hammers and screwdrive­rs, according to court records. Ten workers and four inmates were injured in addition to the four killed.

In October 2019, a jury in Dare County found another inmate, Mikel Brady, guilty of the four murders. He, too, was sentenced to death.

Two other prisoners are awaiting trial: Seth Frazier and Jonathan Monk. District Attorney Jeff Cruden confirmed his office also is seeking the death penalty for both.

 ?? AP FILE ?? Police vehicles rush to Pasquotank Correction­al Institutio­n in Elizabeth City after a breakout attempt left four prison workers dead in October 2017.
AP FILE Police vehicles rush to Pasquotank Correction­al Institutio­n in Elizabeth City after a breakout attempt left four prison workers dead in October 2017.
 ?? ?? Buckman

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