Daily Press (Sunday)


- — Recipes from Sandra A. Gutierrez; adapted by Christina Morales

In 2016, Sandra A. Gutierrez began to narrow down a list of 9,000 recipes to about 500 for her encycloped­ic Latin American cookbook, “Latinísimo: Home Recipes From the 21 Countries of Latin America.” She wanted to focus on the dishes people made at home for a readership of novice cooks. This easy, weeknight recipe from Chile emulates that spirit with the use of Hass avocados — the main variety produced in the country — to make a rich and silky sauce that comes together in a blender as the pasta cooks. For best results, sauce and eat the dish immediatel­y to enjoy its velvety texture.

Makes: Total time:

4 servings

30 minutes Fine sea salt

1 pound spaghetti or fettuccine

2 Hass avocados

cup (2 ounces) walnut pieces

2 garlic cloves, chopped 2 tablespoon­s olive oil

teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, or more to taste

1. Bring

a large pot of salted water to a boil over high. Cook the pasta according to package instructio­ns until al dente.

2. While the pasta cooks,

halve the avocados, discard the pits and transfer the flesh to the bowl of a food

processor or blender. Add the walnuts, garlic and oil; process or blend until smooth, scraping the sides as needed. (Patience is key; keep blending until the mixture is fully creamy.)

3. As soon as the pasta is al dente, reserve 1 cup of the pasta cooking water. Drain the pasta, then transfer to a large bowl. Using tongs or two large forks, toss

vigorously with the avocado sauce, 1½ teaspoons salt, ½ teaspoon pepper and ½ cup of the reserved pasta water. If the sauce is too thick, toss with more reserved pasta cooking water until the sauce is creamy and glossy. Season to taste with salt and pepper, then serve immediatel­y.

 ?? DAVID MALOSH/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Pasta con palta (creamy avocado pesto pasta) is an easy weeknight recipe from Chile that uses Hass avocados — the main variety produced in the country — to make a rich and silky sauce that comes together in a blender as the pasta cooks.
DAVID MALOSH/THE NEW YORK TIMES Pasta con palta (creamy avocado pesto pasta) is an easy weeknight recipe from Chile that uses Hass avocados — the main variety produced in the country — to make a rich and silky sauce that comes together in a blender as the pasta cooks.

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