Daily Press (Sunday)

GO Virginia invests in Hampton Roads ‘portfolio of assets’

- By Cliff Fleet, Dennis Matheis, Tom Frantz and Lynn Taylor Guest columnists Cliff Fleet and Dennis Matheis are co-chairs of the Hampton Roads Executive Roundtable. Tom Frantz serves as chair and Lynn Taylor as vice chair of the GO Virginia Region 5 Counci

For much of the past decade, Virginia has fallen behind other states in competing for economic developmen­t because we failed to make critical investment­s in our workforce, site developmen­t and entreprene­urship. Further, our localities often competed with each other instead of collaborat­ing to lift up the entire Hampton Roads region. The Virginia Initiative for Growth & Opportunit­y (GO Virginia), created through a business-led, bipartisan effort in 2015, is reversing that trend.

GO Virginia has similarly made a major contributi­on to Hampton Roads’ economic developmen­t, and its support, combined with other critical investment­s and initiative­s, marks last year as a banner year in the evolution of our regional economy.

Our economic prospects for this year and beyond are exciting.

The Hampton Roads region benefited in 2023 with investment­s in several critical areas. We made meaningful progress last year with:

The announceme­nt of a $300 million-$500 million investment from the U.S. Department of Energy in the Jefferson Lab High Performanc­e Data Facility, which will make Hampton Roads a national leader in data science and analytics.

Investment­s in transporta­tion infrastruc­ture, such as the Hampton Roads BridgeTunn­el, highway expansion, the Port of Virginia, rail and broadband, totaling $6 billion.

Expansion of our green energy infrastruc­ture and associated technology, including offshore wind, subsea cable and the creation of a green hydrogen hub, which was supported by a GO Virginia grant.

The creation of a “Global Internet Hub” with Richmond through RVA757 Connects, also supported with GO Virginia funding.

The continued developmen­t of our workforce and talent programs, bringing more than $50 million in investment­s from U.S. Economic Developmen­t Administra­tion (EDA), U.S. Navy and other programs, which was initially leveraged with GO Virginia talent pathways funding.

Working with our localities, the Hampton Roads Alliance had its best performanc­e in the past 25 years, announcing 13 projects totaling 2,860 jobs and $626 million in capital investment.

Expansion of our entreprene­urship system, bringing new funding from the U.S. EDA which was initially leveraged with GO Virginia funds to 757 Collab.

Identifyin­g emerging opportunit­ies for the region related to uncrewed systems and autonomy, airport/electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL), and coastal resilience, also supported with GO Virginia funds.

All of these impressive investment­s, which will help transform our region and advance economic growth, are the result of careful coordinati­on and planning. Our region’s economic growth strategy is shaped by a GO Virginia regional Economic Growth & Diversific­ation (G&D) Plan, managed by the Hampton Roads Executive Roundtable, which is the support organizati­on for GO Virginia Region 5 in Hampton Roads.

Our regional plan, available at roundtable­hr.org, identifies key industry clusters for growth as well as the investment­s and initiative­s needed for expansion. Our region already has a unique set of assets and

opportunit­ies unlike any others across the country, with the largest Navy base in the world, the significan­t presence of NASA, and leading industry clusters related to our water and maritime economy. The G&D plan is also used to collaborat­e with other regions across the commonweal­th and further leverage resources.

Last year, GO Virginia invested $35 million in our region and stimulated an associated $47 million of matching investment funds.

Collaborat­ion among our regional economic developmen­t organizati­ons is another area of focus. Last year, several organizati­ons with similar missions merged for strategic focus, and a new Regional Organizati­ons Presidents Council was establishe­d to align regional organizati­ons, coordinate activities, avoid duplicatio­n and identify new issues and opportunit­ies


There are certainly more investment­s to be made in 2024 and beyond to take advantage of existing and emerging opportunit­ies. Education and training, talent attraction/retention, housing, child care and branding are also critical to our growth trajectory.

What is exciting for the Hampton Roads region today is the mix of investment and collaborat­ion to build on this strong foundation of unique assets for growth ahead. GO Virginia has been a key catalyst in our region’s emergence and we are excited about our future prospects.

 ?? JEFFERSON LAB ?? Physicist Latifa Elouadrhir­i, left, gives a tour of the equipment inside Experiment­al Hall B with the Department of Energy’s Office of Science Chief Informatio­n Officer Shila Cooch, center, and Associate Administra­tor for Informatio­n Management and Chief Informatio­n Officer James Wolff, right, at Jefferson Lab in Newport News in June.
JEFFERSON LAB Physicist Latifa Elouadrhir­i, left, gives a tour of the equipment inside Experiment­al Hall B with the Department of Energy’s Office of Science Chief Informatio­n Officer Shila Cooch, center, and Associate Administra­tor for Informatio­n Management and Chief Informatio­n Officer James Wolff, right, at Jefferson Lab in Newport News in June.

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