Daily Press


- Reich contribute­s to the Tribune Content Agency. Send email to tcaeditors@tribpub.com.

Ten years ago, after making piles of money gambling with other people’s money, Wall Street nearly imploded, and the outgoing George W. Bush and incoming Barack Obama administra­tions bailed out the bankers.

America should have learned three big lessons. We didn’t.

First unlearned lesson: Banking is a risky business with huge upsides for the few who gamble in it, but bigger downsides for the public when those bets go bad.

Which means that safeguards are necessary. The safeguards created after Wall Street’s 1929 crash worked for more than four decades.

Starting in the 1980s, they were watered down or repealed because of Wall Street’s increasing thirst for profits and its growing political clout.

It began in 1982, when Congress and the Reagan administra­tion deregulate­d savings and loan banks, allowing them to engage in risky commercial lending while continuing to guarantee them against major losses. Not surprising­ly, the banks got into big trouble, necessitat­ing a taxpayer-funded bailout.

The next milestone came in 1999, when Congress and the Clinton administra­tion, under then-Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, a 1930s safeguard that had prohibited banks from gambling with commercial deposits. (For the record, I was no longer in the Cabinet.)

Then, in 2000, Congress and Clinton barred the Commodity Futures Trading Commission from regulating most over-the-counter derivative contracts, including credit default swaps.

The coup de grace came in 2004, when George W. Bush’s Securities and Exchange Commission allowed investment banks to hold less capital in reserve.

All of this ushered in the 2008 near-meltdown — which was followed by another attempt to impose safeguards, the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010.

And now? The Street’s political clout is as great as ever.

The second lesson we should have learned is how widening inequality makes our economy susceptibl­e to financial disaster.

In the decades leading up to 2008, stagnant wages caused many Americans to go deep into debt — and they used the rising values of their homes as collateral.

Wall Street banks were delighted to accommodat­e — lending willynilly — until the housing and debt bubbles burst.

And now? The problem of stagnant wages, is still with us and once again, consumers are deep in debt.

The third big lesson concerned the rigging of American politics. After the crisis, many Americans realized that Wall Street, big corporatio­ns and the wealthy had essentiall­y bought up our democracy.

Americans saw the Street get bailed out while homeowners, suddenly owing more on their homes than the homes were worth, got little or nothing.

Millions lost their jobs, savings, pensions and homes.

Bankers who committed serious fraud escaped accountabi­lity.

Widespread outrage at all this fueled the tea party on the right and the brief “Occupy” movement on the left. Both eventually morphed into the two anti-establishm­ent candidacie­s of 2016 — authoritar­ian populist Donald Trump and democratic populist Bernie Sanders.

And now? Anti-establishm­ent fury remains the strongest force in American politics.

Trump has been using it to conjure up racist and xenophobic conspiraci­es and to create the most authoritar­ian regime in modern American history.

Democrats don’t know whether to simply oppose Trump and his authoritar­ianism or get behind a reform agenda to wrest control of politics and the economy from the moneyed interests.

But to do the latter, they’d have to take on those who have funded them for decades.

Sad to say, 10 years after the near-meltdown of Wall Street, we seem to have learned very little. Only worse: We now have Trump.

 ??  ?? Robert Reich
Robert Reich

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