Daily Press

Medicaid expansion


Two articles on the same day in different papers recently exposed how disconnect­ed Virginia’s political leadership is. Both articles address Virginia’s recent Medicaid expansion.

One article in the Daily Press addresses Virginia’s big unexpected $460 million Medicaid shortfall which must be paid, resulting in fewer resources to support our schools, local fire protection and police services. This $460 million liability was ignored in Virginia’s rush to provide expanded Medicaid coverage in the commonweal­th.

The entire expansion plan was based on shoddy economics, and now the tax liability has come home to roost on Virginia’s taxpayers.

The second article, in The Virginia Gazette, celebrates the first day that “around 400,000” additional Virginians are now eligible to sign up for this program.

It appears Virginia’s political leadership has learned nothing from the initial “success” which generated a $460 million shortfall that we are merrily rolling along to reinforce that “success” by signing up an additional 400,000 Virginians.

Will that generate another $460 million, or larger, shortfall?

This is fiscal insanity. Virginia’s taxpayers must demand answers from our political leadership — what will expansion really cost, how will we Virginians pay for it, and what will be the impacts on other state services like schools, fire protection and police protection?

The juxtaposit­ion of these two articles, on the same day no less, highlights the fiscal insanity currently underway in Virginia with regard to Medicaid expansion.

Ronald L. Stewart Williamsbu­rg

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