Daily Press

How artists are passing time at home

- By Amy Poulter Staff writer

We’ve reached the end of another week of coronaviru­s isolation.

By now, cabin fever has likely set in and we’re all searching for little things to keep us moving through weekdays that seem to blur into weekends.

If you look at the bright side, another one down just means one week closer to the end of this, right?

We have been asking local artists — from symphony musicians, rock singers and mural artists — to share their insights with us and tell us about what keeps their creative juices flowing and feeling hopeful.

Here’s what this week’s crop had to say.

Anastasia Migliozzi

Viola player with the Virginia Symphony Orchestra

What songs are you listening to? I’m really not listening to any songs. I spend several hours on Zoom each day

listening to my students. I hear a lot of Bach, Kreutzer, Wohlfahrt, et cetera. I enjoy hearing everyone and seeing how they are doing with their ample practice time these days. It is exhausting though, as it seems to use a lot of energy to try to analyze someone’s playing over the internet, so after I usually appreciate silence (and getting the earbuds out of my ears).

What books (or other reads) are helping you make it through the day?

I just joined a book club and we are reading “Everything I Never Told You” by Celeste Ng. So far, I am really enjoying it.

Is there a film or series you’ve watched recently that left you hopeful?

We watched “Onward” the other night. It was really cute, and “hopeful” was definitely a feeling in there!

Who are you reaching out to and how are you communicat­ing with them?

I got married last March and we had an anniversar­y party online for our family and friends. It was a Zoom meeting and was really great to show our family how to use Zoom. I also have a few group texts going with my friends and family. It’s really nice to stay in contact with everyone.

What can you do to help others who are also struggling right now?

To help others I have been making face masks with my vintage sewing machine I dusted off. First, I made some to donate to a hospital for my colleague’s sister. And now, I am making just the simple cloth mask that we are all now advised to wear.

What are you finding joy in during this time?

I always am able to find joy at home. Even now, I like to knit, cook, and hang with my family and dog. I should probably lay off the potato chips though. Here is me and my Whippet. I knit my sweater.

Lui Berz

Cello player with the Virginia Symphony Orchestra

I am making masks and donating to people who need them. I am also making videos for the elementary school children studying ancient cultures and post them on YouTube. I am currently raising silkworms to show children on video the life cycle of silkworm and making of silk.

Ismar Gomes

Cello player with the Virginia Symphony Orchestra

Sight: Seeing the sights on our many hikes thru the region, when we aren’t streaming our favorite shows.

Smell: Breathing so much fresh air, smelling the early spring blooms too.

Hearing: Finally heeding so much advice I’ve heard from friends and mentors over the years but never had the time to implement. Also, hearing my students with different ears via Zoom!

Taste: Homecooked food really beats eating on the road — new recipes!

Touch: Learning (struggling) to play the piano a bit.

What are you finding joy in during this time: Spending so much quality time with my wonderful wife and stress-free time with my cello. Studying things I want to learn, too.

 ?? COURTESY OF THE VIRGINIA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ?? Ismar Gomes plays cello with the Virginia Symphony Orchestra. He said he enjoys hiking and sightseein­g during the pandemic.
COURTESY OF THE VIRGINIA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Ismar Gomes plays cello with the Virginia Symphony Orchestra. He said he enjoys hiking and sightseein­g during the pandemic.
 ?? COURTESY OF LUI BERZ ?? Lui Berz, a cellist for the Virginia Symphony Orchestra, has been sewing masks for others while in quarantine.
COURTESY OF LUI BERZ Lui Berz, a cellist for the Virginia Symphony Orchestra, has been sewing masks for others while in quarantine.

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