Daily Press

Housing hotline sees record calls as moratorium ends

ForKids’ crisis line saw four times the normal volume this week

- By Sandra J. Pennecke Staff writer

NORFOLK — When Virginia ended the moratorium Monday on evictions it put in place because of the coronaviru­s pandemic, the ForKids’ Housing Crisis Hotline in Norfolk blew up.

On a typical Monday, the center fields 200 to 250 calls. With that lifeline being pulled away and the rent due on July 1, ForKids got 935 calls, said Thaler McCormick, who leads the Norfolk-based nonprofit that fights homelessne­ss.

It was a record number. The next day, instead of four times the normal volume, they got three times as many calls as usual.

McCormick said people are scared about their health, and housing is the most fundamenta­l way for people to feel safe. “You can’t follow a stay-at-home order if you don’t have a home,” she said.

Her message to people who are frightened of slipping into homelessne­ss, and the message given to hotline callers, is that millions of dollars in aid is available.

“The great news, at this moment, is there are a lot of resources available in this region,” McCormick said. “The bad news is every city is doing it differentl­y, so your eligibilit­y depends on your specific financial situation and where you live.”

The hotline team, at 757-5874202, screens callers to connect them with the best possible help.

McCormick said they have more than 400 resources in the system. Virginia just started its Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program, using $50 million in funding from the federal CARES Act to help renters and homeowners. ForKids can help people tap into other relief programs related to COVID-19, Community Developmen­t Block Grants, the United Way, city relief funds, and grants from individual­s and foundation­s.

As of Wednesday, McCormick said, ForKids was cutting assistance checks to landlords.

The state moratorium enabled ForKids and other service providers to prepare for this week, when pending evictions would start moving forward in the courts.

“A lot of people are very concerned,” McCormick said. “Our goal in the hotline is that an overwhelmi­ng majority of people will reach a live human, not a router system.”

ForKids ramped up in anticipati­on of the extra traffic, and they still had to redeploy 10 staffers from other parts of the organizati­on into the call center — which has 13 seats and serves 14 cities in the region — to manage the extraordin­ary volume.

“When people are facing eviction, one of the best things we can do is connect them with a human to be able to talk them through what their options are and what they’re eligible for,” she said. “So they don’t have to be making 20 calls around the region; they can make one and be put in the right shoot.”

Family homelessne­ss usually spikes in the summer, and the pandemic has worsened the problem.

“Approximat­ely 50% of the calls are people that have experience­d a specific COVID-19 loss,” she said. “People are really worried and they’re really behind.”

But, McCormick encourages people to be patient and not panic.

“There are resources available and truly there is millions of dollars coming in to Hampton Roads,” she said. “It’s great to be able to connect people and work with them at what is a real moment of crisis for everybody.”

Persons in need of rent or mortgage assistance as a result of the pandemic can call the ForKids’ Housing Crisis Hotline at 757-587-4202. Informatio­n on eligibilit­y and applicatio­ns for assistance are on Resources7­57.org and forkids.org.

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