Daily Press

Dark days ahead no matter who wins in November


Even if this ends well, it will not end well.

Mind you, if it ends badly — that is to say, if Donald Trump is returned to the White House in November — America’s likely future will be, in the words of Thomas Hobbes, “nasty, brutish and short.” But the paradox of our predicamen­t is that even if it ends well — Joe Biden becomes the 46th president — our likely future will, at least in the short term, be only marginally better.

That’s not an indictment of the state of our economic, foreign policy, environmen­tal, judicial or social affairs, though those, too, will be dicey. No, that’s an indictment of the brokenness, the newly revealed fragility, of our society, of the rituals, traditions and unspoken agreements that make America.

As illustrati­on, try a thought experiment.

On Inaugurati­on Day, by longstandi­ng tradition, the incoming president meets the outgoing president at the White House. They exchange pleasantri­es and then ride over to the Capitol together. One imagines it can be awkward, especially if the new president defeated the old one at the polls.

Yet Bush did it with Clinton, Carter with Reagan, Ford with Carter, Hoover with Roosevelt — a grand symbol of the continuity of government and the peaceful transfer of power.

Now, try to imagine Trump doing that with Biden. Try to imagine Trump as a “loser” — there’s no descriptio­n more damning in his vocabulary — not behaving badly, not pouting, not stomping tradition like a bully stomps a sandcastle. Try to imagine his gracious concession speech, his congratula­tory tweets, the smooth transition period. You can’t, not even if you had the combined imaginativ­e horsepower of Jack Kirby, Walt Disney and Stephen King.

The fact that you wouldn’t be even a little surprised if Trump showed his metaphoric­al — and who knows, maybe even his literal — backside right in the middle of Pennsylvan­ia Avenue, speaks eloquently of how his tenure has damaged something ephemeral but irreplacea­ble.

Who among us any longer expects statesmans­hip, dignity, honor, selflessne­ss or compassion from a president?

Who expects accountabi­lity, intellectu­al honesty or even intellect itself?

Who expects bipartisan action in the common good?

As a nation that was never bound by blood and that is bound less every day by culture, such notes of grace assume outsized importance in binding us as a people.

Unfortunat­ely, if the last four years have done nothing else, they have made grace an endangered species.

And while it would be nice to believe it can be restored by choosing a decent and selfless man to replace a craven and selfintere­sted one, we should brace for the likelihood that that will not be the case. At least, not immediatel­y. The damage is too deep — again, not just to our concrete national interests, but also to the way we see our country, to the expectatio­ns we hold for our leaders. And for ourselves.

Nor would Trump’s defeat end the damage. That would likely be ongoing as he and his enablers engaged in rhetorical guerrilla warfare, underminin­g everything that comes after him.

There’s also a real possibilit­y of violence from his followers who, after all, thrive on rejection.

The point, then, is that America faces difficult days, no matter what happens in November and we should know that going in. Joe Biden’s election would not be a magic wand ushering in so-called “normalcy.”

But it would at least suggest a nation drawing back from the precipice upon which we’ve danced for years. Besides, even if a thing doesn’t end well, it still ends.

And some new thing can begin.

Leonard Pitts

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Leonard Pitts

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