Daily Press

DOJ rule change opens door to firing squads in executions

- By Michael Balsamo

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department is quietly amending its execution protocols, no longer requiring federal death sentences to be carried out by lethal injection and clearing the way to use other methods like firing squads and poison gas.

The amended rule, published Friday in the Federal Register, allows the federal government to conduct executions by lethal injection or use “any other manner prescribed by the law of the state in which the sentence was imposed.”

A number of states allow other methods of execution, including electrocut­ion, inhaling nitrogen gas or death by firing squad.

It remains unclear whether the Justice Department will seek to use any methods other than lethal injection for executions in the future.

The rule, which goes into effect Dec. 24, comes as the Justice Department has scheduled five executions during the lame-duck period, including three just days before President-elect Joe Biden takes office Jan. 20.

A Justice Department official said the change was made to account for the Federal Death Penalty Act, which requires sentences be carried out “in the manner prescribed by the law of the state in which the sentence is imposed,” and some of those states use methods other than lethal injection.

The official said two executions scheduled in December would be done by lethal injection but didn’t provide informatio­n about three others scheduled in January. The official spoke on condition of anonymity.

The change is likely to set off criticism from Democrats and anti-death penalty advocates, as the

Trump administra­tion tries to push through a number of rule changes before Trump leaves office.

A spokespers­on for Biden said this month that the president-elect “opposes the death penalty now and in the future” and would work to end its use. But he did not say whether executions would be paused immediatel­y once Biden takes office.

Attorney General William Barr restarted federal executions this year after a 17-year hiatus. This year, the Justice Department has put to death more people than during the previous half-century, despite waning public support from Democrats and Republican­s for its use.

All states that use the death penalty allow lethal injection — and that is the primary method in all states where other methods are allowed, according to data compiled by the nonprofit Death Penalty Informatio­n Center. As lethal injection drugs become difficult to obtain, some states have begun looking at alternativ­e methods for carrying out death sentences.

Alabama joined Mississipp­i and Oklahoma in 2018 in approving the use of nitrogen gas to execute prisoners, allowing the state to asphyxiate condemned inmates with the

gas in some cases.

In some states, inmates can choose the method of their execution.

In Florida, for example, an inmate can ask to be put to death by electrocut­ion and in Washington state, inmates can ask to be put to death by hanging. In Utah, prisoners sentenced before May 2004 can choose to be killed by a firing squad. The state law there also authorizes the use of a firing squad if lethal injection drugs aren’t available.

In 2014, following a botched state execution in Oklahoma, President Barack Obama directed the Justice Department to conduct a broad review of capital punishment and issues surroundin­g lethal injection drugs.

Barr said in July 2019 that the review had been completed, allowing executions to resume and approved a new procedure for lethal injections that replaced the three-drug combinatio­n previously used in federal executions with one drug, pentobarbi­tal. The one-drug protocol is similar to the procedure used in several states, including Georgia, Missouri and Texas.

Before the Trump administra­tion resumed executions this year, the federal government had put only three inmates to death since 1988.

 ?? MICHAEL CONROY/AP ?? The amended DOJ rule goes into effect Dec. 24. Above, the federal prison complex July 17 in Terre Haute, Indiana.
MICHAEL CONROY/AP The amended DOJ rule goes into effect Dec. 24. Above, the federal prison complex July 17 in Terre Haute, Indiana.

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