Daily Press

Vaccine push starts now

Determinin­g distributi­on, building support requires all hands on deck


The widespread death and immense tragedy throughout the pandemic have been difficult for most to absorb, much less fully comprehend. The United States lost thousands of people to the virus last week, and Virginia counted more than a hundred COVID-19 deaths in the week after Thanksgivi­ng.

Hospitals in many places across the country find themselves overwhelme­d and lacking the capacity to handle more infected and terribly ill people streaming into their intensive care units. The grim winter that many health experts predicted is here, and the coming weeks and months promise to be almost unfathomab­ly awful.

There is a light in the darkness, however, in the form of vaccines backed by promising research and the prospect for distributi­on to health care workers and the most vulnerable very soon. All effort should be devoted to streamlini­ng that process, making sure the vaccine is delivered promptly, smartly and in the order of most need.

Gov. Ralph Northam, speaking at a press conference last week, outlined the first steps in that effort. But while the federal and state government­s will handle the logistics, successful distributi­on of the vaccine will take a national effort, centered in every community and requiring the determined efforts of leaders from across the spectrum.

That doesn’t simply mean elected officials or those who work in government. Overcoming skepticism and distrust, fear and ignorance, will take civic and faith leaders, academics and journalist­s, business leaders and entertaine­rs — everyone in a public-facing role who speaks with authority and moral clarity.

Polling suggests that a substantia­l number of Americans are reluctant to take a coronaviru­s vaccine, citing a variety of reasons. Those numbers are interestin­g only as an indication of the heavy lifting required and should ebb as the distributi­on process unfolds.

Still, it’s an important reminder that everything about the vaccine happens in the bright glare of public attention, and it’s critical those in positions of authority act deliberate­ly, communicat­e clearly and make thoughtful decisions to resolve some tricky questions, such as the order of distributi­on and which groups deserve priority.

Northam said on Wednesday that Virginia expects to receive enough doses of the Pfizer vaccine in the coming weeks for 70,000 people and will prioritize health care workers and residents of long-term care facilities. The governor said what follows — how many additional doses the commonweal­th will receive and to whom they will go — are the subject of discussion.

If employment is a determinin­g factor, those who work in the public schools would seem the best choice to follow, given the pressing need to resume in-person classroom education safely. Those who work in food production and distributi­on, first responders, prisons and homeless shelters may follow, seeking to stop community spread in highly populated locations.

However, Virginia must weigh that against the need to tend to the most vulnerable — people with underlying conditions that put them at greater risk of the virus, for instance.

The commonweal­th should also consider that COVID-19 is ravaging minority communitie­s, making these groups a priority for vaccinatio­n as well.

Those are difficult choices, and science will guide the decision making. But the commonweal­th should also be standing up a campaign to encourage participat­ion, enlisting as partners individual­s and groups who inspire the public trust and can speak competentl­y about the virus.

Informatio­n about priority and distributi­on should be clear, concise and easily available to all, regardless of geography, income and background. This should be a massive outreach effort and will require all parties pulling in the same direction to succeed.

As we were reminded again from this year’s Census, connecting to traditiona­lly underserve­d communitie­s — the poor, minorities, others with reason to distrust government — is difficult and shows the challenge ahead. So it will take innovative thinking to reach them, with an “all hands on deck” mentality.

That effort cannot wait and will require Virginians working together. The darkness ahead is unmistakab­le, but a light of hope is now readily visible.

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