Daily Press

A welcome condemnati­on

Military statement on Capitol riot reflects the resilience of one of our most vital institutio­ns


It is no small thing — and worth special mention in our community — that the leaders of the American military on Tuesday issued a stern condemnati­on of last week’s insurrecti­on at the U.S. Capitol. While Hampton Roads shouldn’t be surprised to see such leadership, their words should resonate here, where so many active duty service members, their families, veterans and others associated with the Department of Defense live and work.

In a letter signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the military affirmed the solemn civilian-military relationsh­ip at the heart of protecting the U.S. Constituti­on and issued an unmistakab­le warning for those who seek to overthrow the duly elected government.

“We witnessed actions inside the Capitol building that were inconsiste­nt with the rule of law,” the letter says. “The rights of freedom of speech and assembly do not give anyone the right to resort to violence, sedition and insurrecti­on.

“As service members, we must embody the values and ideals of the nation. We support and defend the Constituti­on. Any act to disrupt the Constituti­onal process is not only against our traditions, values, and oath; it is against the law.”

The statement itself is remarkable.

That the highest-ranking members of the nation’s military felt compelled to comment about what’s happening in our transition from one administra­tion to the next speaks volumes about the state of affairs in the United States today.

But it also sends an important message about the resilience of one of our most vital institutio­ns, which is especially important as distrust and contempt for American institutio­ns sits at the heart of the ongoing crisis.

The American people had, before the 2016 elections, soured on the trustworth­iness of the institutio­ns meant to serve them. From the president and Congress, to the courts and media, to education, business and organized religion.

While Gallup polling showed declining, and dismal, confidence in each of those, researcher­s found more than 70% of the American public continue to have a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in the armed forces.

As so many of these institutio­ns appear to be crumbling — through their own ineptitude or malfeasanc­e, atrophy or apathy — some have managed to hold in the face of this withering assault on American values.

Witness, for instance, the U.S. Congress returning to work the evening of Jan. 6, after the violent mob had stormed the halls, ransacked the building and brought death and destructio­n to the seat of government.

Disrupted in their constituti­onal duty to certify the electoral votes and the presidenti­al election of Joe Biden, members passed the blood and debris to finish the job. It was a show of strength and resolve that served the nation.

Now, the Joint Chiefs have stepped up to show similar determinat­ion. Seeing the federal government threatened, and perhaps seeing reports that members of the armed forces were among those who participat­ed in the insurrecti­on, they felt moved to speak out.

Good for them, and good for us.

In this community — defined by its active duty and veteran population and proud of being home to some of the nation’s most critical installati­ons — that strong endorsemen­t of the rule of law and strident rejection of the sedition on display last week is most welcome.

Americans shouldn’t fear that those in uniform would violate their oath of service. As the letter affirms:

“As we have done throughout our history, the U.S. military will obey lawful orders from civilian leadership, support civil authoritie­s to protect lives and property, ensure public safety in accordance with the law, and remain fully committed to protecting and defending the Constituti­on of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Rather, this statement should help reassure a public still in shock over the awful and unpreceden­ted attack on American democracy, and looking for some confirmati­on that our institutio­ns, though battered, still hold.

That is no small thing, and a most welcome message in these troubled times.

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